The Oral Health Benefits of CBD

CBD otherwise known as Cannabidiol has been shown to have many therapeutic and anti-inflammatory benefits. It’s amazing …


  1. For those taking CBB before dental surgery, don't mix it with Valium or other benzos. CBD affects the body processing of benzos and can be dangerous. Heads up. Cheers.

  2. I respect the doctor's views. However CBD contains 0.03 amounts of THC. Yeah small amount but if your using a Full Spectrum 5000 Mg blend and take 5-6 drops you will get "High" but not intoxicated. The effect is a Clear serene tranquil type of effect. No stress n no anxiety but I've notice that w/ other types of CBD it never altered my mood, it felt calming but not that feeling of Bliss I've experienced w/ the Full Spectrum 5000mg Dose.

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