The application of CBD and medical cannabis for epilepsy is one of the most exciting developments in the last 50 years of …
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I found this channel by searching "time travel epilepsy" I'm a solo digital nomad. Postictal I feel like I've jumped from one time to another, but that memory of my postictal stage replays on me sometimes. I feel so alone in my own country that I decided I should travel alone, and at least experience the world. This is my 8th year of the nomadic life. I just hate the fact time is zooming past so fast…..super fast.
I found this channel by searching "time travel epilepsy" I'm a solo digital nomad. Postictal I feel like I've jumped from one time to another, but that memory of my postictal stage replays on me sometimes. I feel so alone in my own country that I decided I should travel alone, and at least experience the world. This is my 8th year of the nomadic life. I just hate the fact time is zooming past so fast…..super fast.