N.J. dispensaries gearing up for recreational marijuana sales

New Jersey dispensaries are gearing up as recreational marijuana sales begin next week in the state. Anyone 21 and older will …


  1. I just hope they don't regulate it and the medical In Pennsylvania is not that good it's all dry I'm trying to get some sticky sour diesel wedding cake all the good stuff California quality

  2. I wont be spending my money at any of these places. Its so many people out here, myself included, who've had their lives railroaded over possessing small amounts of weed & we're supposed to just sit back & watch these folks rake in billions of dollars from something that folks like me have been criminalized for? GTFOH.

  3. the state who made profits in locking people up from marijuana
    is now making profits for the sale and distribution of marijuana
    let us grow our own. what's in government marijuana who knows

  4. IM FUCKING EXCITED IM BE HIGH AS FUCCCCKKKKK it’s literally right next my job I work 3rd shift literally leaving work to go there as it opens 9am then going home to smoke & actually sleep during the damn day ^.^!!!!!

  5. Idk their weed laws but i can almost guarantee they're going to tax/regulate it to death and people will go to the black market just like what's happening in California, Washington, etc

  6. There’s no good to come of this. Look at every state that legalized it. Shortage of workers because too many can’t pass a drug test or are just to stoned and lazy to want to work. Things were actually better before legalization.

  7. Ben Kolver is a snake and leaves a huge ugly strain on the industry by only caring about profits and nothing else. he came from the Jim beam family and just wants to continue running small cannabis companies out of business. Fraud

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