CBD Vape Pens from *Plant of Life* || For Stress, Anxiety, Pain and Sleep Disorders

CBD Vape Pens from *Plant of Life* || For Stress, Anxiety, Pain and Sleep Disorders Hey Wonderful People and thanks for …


  1. hey mare, excited to hear about your vape pens! oh nice they ship to us.. I will have to give these a try.i have issues w/ sleeping and anxiety. I'm glad your letting people know cbd is not thc. I think a lot of people get scared because they do not know.

  2. I enjoyed seeing you get high! Joking haha 😄 😋 I've have had anxiety for 15 years sadly 2020 was one of the worst with everything that happened that year. I've never been into weed related products. Regular weed I've smelled from second hand hits in the past made me more anxious and nauseous not a fan. Obviously these aren't meant to get you high per-se i just avoid anything related to cb or weed products personally. But I know these things can help some people. I practice meditation, breathing exercises, sleep better and take zanax(when needed) thankfully all of those combined help me out. I enjoy your vids and reviews. I bet you'd be great at Asmr.👍😃

  3. Hi Mare! I have heard so many benefits about CBD I love 💕 and all in about natural products and and quality ingredients!!! I love your nails 💅🏻 and that shirt is beautiful how many different flavors do they have? Do you know about the dosage recommendations?

  4. I love cbd so much it helps me sleep and also relief my stress and anxiety ❤
    Yes Mare I'm so done with pharmaceutical companies they help with one thing and affectband damage so many other things in our bodies 🙈 how does it make sense, i have never understood, oh the vape pen looks so cute and I was going to ask you does the vape pen get clogged after multiple days of use

  5. Hi Mare! Such nice packaging! I have not tried any CBD products but I always hear great things! This looks like a nice company! Organic is a big plus! This would help me with everything you just described! I have a long list lol Thanks for sharing! This is really interesting! Natural is the best!

  6. Oh nice they have some for pets too?! So good. We were actually thinking about getting something like that for lola our puppy because she can be super hyper at times and scratches jayleen a lot so she needs something to calm down a bit 😂 I feel like she might have anxiety is that a thing for dogs? 😆 so you can actually taste the flavor? That’s cool. Love the color of the peppermint one, hmm mango 🥭 that’s interesting. Very pretty colors.

  7. Packaging is very nice. Oh ok so they are shipping to US 👏🏽🤗 I am definitely going to look into this!! Love how they come in different flavors I love anything mint or spearmint so I would love those. I would probably wait until after baby comes just to be safe, but definitely want to try some CBD products.

  8. Hey mare! Ok the title of this video has already caught my attention!!! I need relief from all of these things you are mentioning 😯 do they ship to US? So many great benefits! I don’t like taking pain meds either, natural is the way to go.

  9. Oh, it’s called pen grape flavor interesting!! The puffing part I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️ I feel like I’m choking as I’m thinking about it! I remember when I was a teen and I smoke cigarettes, I think I quit so quickly I have no tolerance! It does sound pretty amazing!

  10. Hi!!! 👋🏻
    Can’t wait to hear all about loving the green top! You look very spring vibes! Oh I don’t like anything inhaling, how does that feel oh no 🙃 it sounds wonderful, just a thought of inhaling I personally don’t like the feeling! But I am so glad you’re enjoying it and it sounds great!!!

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