Adding Sugars To Cannabis Plants Guide – Molasses, Corn Syrup or Honey

Today on Lex’s World, let’s talk adding sugars to your marijuana plants! This is a common additive that growers use; we’ll talk …


  1. Woah! You did NOT just scroll down into the comments and forget to subscribe, did ya? DID YA? 🙂 Didn't think so. A note on the directions in this video: like with all additives you mix into your water, you should not be adding your sugars on every single watering…I recommend to add nutrients only every 2nd watering, and the same goes for adding sugars during flowering.

  2. Blackstrap molasses will help.Its best to make a tea,mid flower till flush.Everyone flushes differently I have learned to feed underground or you will have problems with animals and bugs.Its always good to incorporate it in your feeding schedule.The results speak for themselves

  3. I can 100% prove that molasses not only improves bud size but is in fact absorbed by the plant and attracts (when outside) insects that attack the leaves by piercing and sucking out the sweetened chlorophyll pockets as they swell and ripen sometimes destroying your outdoor plants completely. Bugs nest inside your dense buds causing a mold to form so be cautious, tree worms ESPECIALLY!!! And it makes the bud taste sweeter and the smoke is more dense.

  4. I wouldn't use corn syrup (most corn is grown with pesticides and herbicides) or honey ( it has natural antifungal and antibacterial properties).
    When using molasses, I only use organic UNsulfured blackstrap molasses.
    When I do use molasses, I only use it in my ariated compost teas. By the time my tea has brewed (36 – 48 hours), all the sugars have been consumed by the microbes.

    I've recently heard that there's even better choices for sugars, but I can't recall exactly what they were at the moment 😅

  5. Honey is a natural antibiotic and may damage some soil bacterial colonies in a living soil. Molasses contains plenty of micronutrients and is cheaper. A deep dive into brix levels is a must for those using sugars in a continuous grow.

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