Colorado company helps ensure CBD products are safe

CBD can be found in health food stores, supplement shops, or marijuana dispensaries. Even Walgreens and CVS pharmacies are …


  1. The problam is the source the Canada based business that do not grow or use or prepossess the oil or its cannabis hemp in good standards.
    Poor growing and lack of education the use of pesticides and radiation in some cases the poor possessing and company's like Til ray and Canopy Grown
    do not test there cannabis and plan so sell it from there poor possessed and grown plants full of molds and mildew and bugs it clearly should be tested before
    you put this on the American Market if it is found to have such contamination pulled off the shelf before you cause more harm then good these company's don't care
    about the quality of there product we need to allow more states to grow Hemp and possess it right here in America and now allow these company's that don't care
    about there quality of product that would sell you tainted oils and infusions #Testtheoil #AmericaFirst #NoCanadaImports #Testall #QalityHemp
    Clearly we must test this oils before you put them on the market or CVS and WALGREEN'S will face class action lawsuits. #Lawsuit #PoorProducts

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