Two plans to legalize recreational marijuana in Arkansas

There are two groups on parallel paths, collecting signatures to get on the November ballot. But they have different visions of what …


  1. Asa Hutchinson is a joke for wanting to avoid the problem. I'm tired of all these bs cultivators trying to monopolize the state when people just want their medicine without being charged out the ass. Literally both Missouri and Oklahoma are amazing examples of states better than Arkansas (and they border it) of a successful medical cannabis scene where people are able to cultivate and have thousands of growers with loads more of better and cheaper product which is better for everyone. But look Arkansas has only 5 cultivators maybe 6 now, what a joke. The only reason they didnt want recreational here is because they want more money from selling licenses etc. And everytime they hear about Oklahoma at dispensaries in Arkansas they call it an issue because they are better than them lmao. If Arkansas wants to be better and profit more than push laws to be better and make cultivation and the plant accessible to those who actually need it. Plus Arkansas bud quality is pretty bad they almost always rush the process and have barely any terpines and cannabinoids due to a bad dry and cure.

  2. I know the push is over now, but how can I help for next years push? Tired of seeing these old coots drinking themselves to death criticizing someone for smoking a (safe) plant.

  3. #Legealizit #Arkansas You should be able to grow within a locked area such as a bed room or place where it can be secured…you still see these that do not want it to be legalized lie and say it will be given to children this is false. Prohibition is the main cause of the black market in Arkansas

    The natural state can make taxes from the sales of local shops that must follow the 21 and over rule. Any one giving it to children under 21 will face stiff fines and even jail time could be possible if you where warned and then continue to give it to children. The best way is to legalize it Sign on the line Arkansas and VOTE in November lets get this passed. #Marijuwana #Cannabis #Growers #NoProhibition We want to follow the laws but they must be changed and not hampered with by the good old boy network it is unlawful to remove something from a ballot after the people have done there work to place it there as a constitutional amendment. #Timeforachange Arkansas #Vote #ArkansasMarijuwana Less harmful then sugar aspirin caffeine Tobacco Alcohol and prescription drugs No one as ever overdosed or died from the use of cannabis thats a Known FACT! If they had the death toll would be in the millions and it has not and does not happen #Get the facts #MPP #MPA #Norml there is no physios that has ever been proven under the facts from use of the plant any mental illness before the use can not be blamed on a harmless plant….#Regulate and Legalize The Sky has not fallen Chicken Little your lies have gone on long enough 70+ years of Reefer Madness time for it to end.

  4. I don't smoke it but as an Arkansas I'll sign it. As taxpayers, we don't need to be locking up pot smokers as our jails are overfilled with real criminals. Aside from that, probably 2/3 of the politicians smoked in once themselves.

  5. I swear here and now to never drive while under the influence of cannabis or alcohol. Like if you can keep that promise as well to show Arkansas that people who indulge in recreational marijuana usage are real commendable people who want the best for their state and brothers and sisters who share it. Full American freedom is all we ask for. And don't tell me it's for my health because you can purchase a whole bottle of something that can kill you right down the road on any shelf (booze,ciggs, rat poison,ect.)

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