What’s the difference between CBD and Hemp Oil Beauty Products? | Chemist Decodes CBD Beauty

We are talking about the difference between CBD and hemp oil in the new trend of cbd oil skincare and hemp oil skincare. We will …


  1. CBD can be derived from both Hemp and Marijuana. However, the amount of THC in Hemp derived is lower than concern and/or the law so any products (and I believe all of them that are on Sephora website) are labeled CBD Hemp derived are safe and totally legal for Federal law. That how I understand it..

  2. hi! 🙂 please make a video about oils for different skin types and comedogenic rating system. there's too much disinformation about this subject on the web.

  3. I'm curious to see how labeling is going to change for these products. Like if companies are going to be required to use universal terms for the oils/extracts so it will be less confusing for the average consumer reading an ingredient list. Everyone seems to be calling their CBD ingredient something different and some even seem to be calling hemp a CBD ingredient which I believe it is not supposed to have any CBD in it.

  4. You pronounce Sativa differently than myself and my Cannabis customers. You do know it all stems from the same parent plant 🌱 Indica & Sativa both from the same plant family. However Hemp is only from the Sativa family. Marijuana can be either Indica & Sativa. Hemp contains less than 0.3 THC. The harvesting dictates much of it. Marijuana has short dense buds & leaves, hemp grows long & skinny. Hemp is from the seeds with trace amounts of THC. It can get confusing. I work with companies that offer products with THC & CBD. I might add if hemp is extracted from the seeds there shouldn’t be any THC or CBD. There is so much more I could say but there is also good information on the internet. I was educated because I work with people growing both marijuana and hemp plants.

  5. I just love your accent!! It really comes out on certain words😜 Sativa you say so diffrent i didnt know what you were talking about. We say the A so different here

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