How the legalization of recreational cannabis use is on the rise

Minnesota became the 23rd state to legalize the use of recreational cannabis, leading to questions about how a rise in marijuana …


  1. I'm tired of the argument "not your grandfather's MJ" back then we had to smoke a lot more to get high. They are idiots or are intentionally misleading, people are always going to smoke until they get the effects they want. But concentrated cannabis has been around for thousands of years, hashish which is abt 80% THC was sold and consumed regularly in the 90s. Do people think that someone will smoke a joint in the 90s and not feel high then just say ok I smoked whatever. NO! We roll another and another until we get what we want. Just like Alcohol there's alcohol that's 5% ABV and there's alcohol that's 95% ABV people are still going to use the amount it takes to reach the level they want to get.

  2. The Marijuana laws are putting Americans in kind of a harmful / risky situation….America is the land of the free…but you have some Americans with illnesses in a Compromisal situation at risk.
    Risking physical / mental health / security / of their well-being not to mention legal problems…with all our govermental problems why concern ourselves with such an idiotic laws..our Forefathers  used Marijuana daily in many different ways…our Decoration of independence was wrote on weed paper🤦🏻people have been using it since beginning of time…..why waste time, money and Resources on this???? As Americans we point our fingers at other countries with lack of human freedom / rights…although we turn a blind eye to our own sick people in search of natural medicine 🤦🏻🤦🏻my friend was dying of cancer…he was super sick couldnt eat / Nauseated from the medicine / Chemotherapy. The RX he  was prescribed was damaging his situation more…i saw with my own eyes how his last year of life was made more bareable by using Marijuana….his poor daughter was having to go to drug apartments dealing with shady characters not to mention fear of law enforcement and  criminal charges….to help her ailing father…it was sad situation….and the sadest part of this whole situation is that this law is absolutely unnecessary and the only thing it does is empower criminal entities. It's been proven that criminal organizations have been spraying and dusting Marijuana with harmful cancer causing chemicals with irreversible damages to the naive user.
    It's been proven that gangs like MS 13 have been lacing Marijuana with Fentanyl. Marijuana has been weaponized..I think this Prohibition will not end until the government is sued in a court of law. I think any competent lawyer can easily prove the hardship this law has caused and continues to harm our law abiding citizens.
    It can easily be proven how this law enabled the big pharmaceutical companies to be empowered by systematically using our citizens in the name of profit…I think the politicians that are involved in keeping this law on the books should also be named in this lawsuit and Held liable for their actions. What this comes down to is a big cash grab Without any regards for the average citizen. Shameful how our laws being Manipulated in this fashion.

  3. Cannzbis decress cognative abilty and is a posion. Those that say Cannabis is good are using the same rethoric as the tobaco industry did when they claimed tobaco was bery healthy. USA is the posion of the world.

  4. I have been smoking weed for 45 years there is no bad side effects
    I've smoked pretty steady sense i
    Was in jr. High school actually i believe
    It has kept me safe from many illnesses unless you smoke weed i don't believe anything you say this
    World is full of know if all's these doctors don't have a clue I've had to
    Correct my doctor before and I was
    Right weed is good for me.

  5. Company I drive for is out of Michigan, nothing has changed in the economy there…. supposedly a certain percentage was to go to highways….it just went to political idiots pockets….

  6. After weed gets legalized on a federal level. It's only a matter of time until Monsanto gets their hands on cannabis and we see the market get flooded with pesticide-laced weed if we don't regulate it properly on a federal level.

  7. it's true, i started drinking delta 9 and had major stomach pain, eventually i figure it out bc it would happen after i drink the delta 9 drink. I stop drinking it, and the problem went away. i dont think the marijuana itself gives you stomach pain, because when i smoke it i never have it, but there's something they use to synthesized the marijuana to the concentrated form that gives you stomach pain

  8. This explains all the recent car accidents I’ve been seeing in my state. When you’re under the influence, your attention span shortens.

    10 years from now – Crack legalizes

    15 years from now – Cocaine legalizes

    20 years from now – Heroine legalizes.

    In 50 years, the Earth’s population drops over 10%. Slowly killing off our species for less pressure of resources.

    But hey, gotta give the people what they want. Welcome to Planet Weed. Keep playing the government’s game America. You’re fulfilling their objective and they don’t even have to force you. We are a democracy after all aren’t we….

    🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    So proud of us all 🤦‍♂️✌️🤯

  9. Feds are too slow on rescheduling….. Because they love to lock people up for having a good time… Taxing the Marijuana isn't legalizing it. Thats becoming the Cartel… No jail time ever.

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