Bad Breeding Leaves Pup Suffering From Terrifying Seizures

From the moment sweet Sachi took her first breath, she has spent every second fighting …


  1. I hope you're able to get this baby some help😓 I wish I had money or knew a vet that would help!! I can help you by researching vets in your area or if there's a group in your area that will help. There's groups in every state, I hope you're okay too dear!!

  2. Don't buy purebreds. Potassium bromide can help if it's epilepsy, but if it's some other type of nuerologic or physical deformity idk. Don't buy dogs. Don't do it. We need to stop the appeal and stop the sales. Buying is voting yes.

  3. Okay, if you notice a seizure coming on…don't keep feeding the fudging dog. Take away food so it doesn't fudging choke.
    Your channel is a sick joke.
    It should have already had an MRI, and meds, and you to be taught it should be somewhere soft and not eating food.

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