Farmer Grows Hemp for the First Time for CBD Oil | Agronomy Spotlight | Successful Farming

Recent laws passed have allowed farmers to grow hemp legally in the United States. Leigh Berry operates a farm in Minnesota, …


  1. Hey Skeeter can I get my starts from you because last year I tried to get my starts I tried to grow myself and somebody came in but baby oil and all my plants and then I tried to get starts from Mike and he went to McDonald's and put all the starts on the trash cans at McDonald's and I was like I didn't want to grab the starts in front of everybody you know so I was too shy and so if you could give me some starts that would be really really nice kind of like along the lines of arbor Day type starts you know where it it comes in the mail but it's perfectly ready to plant the tree or plant the bush or plant the dwarf

  2. Crazy! Don't grow it for CBD, but for its seeds to eat and straw for making tissue, use in builidng houses and walls, as insulation. Get another type without any drug inside it. Be ethical and he,lp to get rid of cotton and get hemp tissue back for better clothes.

  3. I hope these 2 farmers figured out that they cant just throw the seeds in the ground. You have to separate each plant. These farmers clearly have no clue what they are doing. I wouldn't be surprised if every plant was over the limit. Black people have been growing marijuana behind closed doors for decades. Find one of them and lease you land to grown give them a percentage of the profit. Cotton produces about $800 an acre. Good CBD will net $5,000 or more an acre just from the buds alone for recreational use.

  4. This is so ridicules! Hemp should NEVER have been banned. Requiring honest hard-working farmers to jump through hoops in order to grow a beneficial plant is just RIDICULES.

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