Reject Finance bill protestors crowds advance in streets of Nairobi CBD

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  1. Is Old man Joe Biden watching. Ruto must go like yesterday. We have suffered enough. His two year rule is like 20 years. I pray for our children you are fighting a just protest not to tire when we give up, they win. God renew the strength of Gen Z.

  2. Protests will do little good. The government needs money especially now after the devastating fllods. Money to rebuild the roads – not luxury buildings for members of the government. Where will the money come from? Who will pay? Taxes.

  3. Where. The. Elderly. To. Help. With. Situation. Otherwise. It. Will. Be. A. MASSACARE. Of. The. YOUNG. GENERATION. Please. Please. Where. Are. The. Clergy. Men. Now. Today. To. Stop. This.

  4. My heart bleeds for my country Kenya we use alot of emotions and not logic How many of us have read this bill ama tunasema tu reject. We shall be forever slaves of the foreign countries watu wa msaada

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