CBD Licensing 📃 Requirements in Texas

Jay Cohen, from Blass Law, discusses the new licensing requirements for manufacturing and retail sales of CBD. Beginning …


  1. Hello, me and my father plan on starting a dispensary in Houston Texas, I’m doing my best to gather up all the information I need to start this business, the correct and legal way. If you have any videos, tips or information, this would be greatly appreciated.

  2. I resonated well with this video! I appreciate it, I'm in the market of becoming a retailer, I'd love a peice of your time and run an idea of mine past you if you're willing. Thanks

  3. If Hemp is Legal in all 50 States but you still need to pay a couple hundred dollar's to grow it at home then it's really not Legal 😂😅 you can't say something is Legal but yet you have to pay to grow it and if you get cought growing it at home without a License you go to jail or get a Ticket 🤦‍♂️

  4. Can someone tell me exactly what I need to do to get a license? I want to know who I need to contact, how much would it cost, and is there a grant I can try to apply for to get the money? I really am thinking about starting one but I don't have the first clue as to how so I need some serious help. Any professional inside will be much appreciated. Thank you so much!

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