Pain After Surgery: Is Marijuana Good?

In this video, Dr. Patel discusses post-operative pain control and specifically if marijuana can be used to improve your pain and …


  1. i was wondering, i did get laser surgery to remove a kidney stone about 2 or 3 days and i do have a splint in and will be in me until march 4th and i was wondering if i was able to smoke my disposables or eat edibles without any problems mostly because my pain is still pretty painful even with my pain meds and smoking has always made me feel very relaxed and had made a lot of body pain go away

  2. My personal experience of smoking after a hip replacement . I smoke thru carts and it was an immidiate relief in my body when I got home. My surgeon said do not smoke for 4 weeks. I love my surgeon, he did an amazing job but I feel like doctors say that to protect themselves legally.

    I took oxy and extra strength Tylenol and barely did nothing. One hit after I got home and I feel so much better. The pain so much more tolerable. Just my experience. Also my surgery took longer than expected because of how much muscle tissue I have the doctor said, my incision is huge and that is obviously another factor why I was in so much pain.

    Although prior to my next surgery I need for my other hip, I will stop smoking for 72hrs instead of 24hrs to see how I feel post op. I played a lot of sports growing up and recently got into powerlifting (the problem of my hip was just plain bad genetics, never had a significant injury) I want to see if I feel less pain post op. I’m surprised how painful it was until I just recently took a toke from the cartridge. M

    I also brought this up to my anesthesiologist and he shrugged it off like it was nothing. Basically made me feel like I could have smoke the day before my surgery.

  3. We especially need cannabis in a post opioid epidemic crisis. The collateral damage of their addiction has been to deny post surgical patients pain meds. It happened to me recently. I couldn’t F-ing believe it. Had a kidney stone blasted out of my ureter. Doc didn’t want to prescribe opiates. Citing the epidemic as reason why. WTF!? That has nothing to do with managing my post surgical pain! I ain’t asking for weeks worth or an open script fgs! Cuz it feels like I’m peeing shards of glass Doc! Oh, it causes constipation ya don’t say? Who TF cares! You worry about the urinary system and lemme take care of my alimentary canal. Oh, it’s an elective procedure you’re attempting to allude? What TF difference would that make if it were? I dunno about his work as a urologist but in my world a blocked ureter tube from your kidney to your bladder kinda needs to be cleared out. Elective? I almost crowned the MF. My orthopedic doc hooked me up good with pain meds. For as long as I needed them. Hip replacement is SO painful. Had a procedure done recently. No post surgical meds for this one either. The doctor has to decide on the pain level of procedures.
    So, since they’ve tightened up the pharmaceutical reins on opiates, people have turned to street meds. Or cannabis.
    I have been using cannabis for years, recreationally. Now I use it medicinally too. It’s a superb pain reliever. So, doctors shouldn’t be up in arms about patients using cannabis surgically. Especially when they’re loathe and refuse to write legit scripts for pain meds. It’s called pain management for a reason. Keep it as gone as possible and under control fgs!

  4. As long as your not smoking weed like a chimney you'll be fine it's all about the oxygen intake. So maybe just smoke a few pipes now n then not blunts stay away from bacci too.

  5. I had chin lipo and renuvion on 3.30.23. I couldn't sleep. My husband got me some gummies. Took ONE 10mg and had the best sleep ever. I awoke to the same position I laid down 7 hours. FABULOSO. I've been taking gummy for 8 nights now. Took Indica not Sativa.. Took the pain pill only th first 2 nights. Threw them away and haven't used since. No I don't normally use any cannabis at all.

  6. Where I live edibles are not available and i have to get a emergency BA implant change due to rupture , I am medical cannabis patient by smoking should I switch to vaping? I had a wisdom teeth removal surgery where the had to saw into the bone of my jaw and also didn’t stop smoking cos my pain and anxiety would be to high the same now I’m so anxious tho

  7. i had jaw surgery about 2 weeks ago but it was only my top jaw and i have a splint in now and i’m wondering if i can smoke marijuana without it causing any further pain or damage.

  8. Excellent video! Cannabis has so many benefits, including pain relief. It's important to note that cannabis should be taken in any form other than through smoking, as Dr. Patel said.

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