Marijuana laws in D.C., Maryland, Virginia: What you need to know | FOX 5’s In The Courts

FOX 5’s Katie Barlow breaks down the latest with marijuana laws in the DMV from the District cracking down on gifting and …


  1. Yes to Florida recreational Marijuana 2024 i don't think it's fair that we have to pay $300 to $350 yearly or every other month for a medical Marijuana card and have to pay to buy the Marijuana also we live in the same United States where in every other state where recreational Marijuana is legal i feel like we getting robbed

  2. Im in NC, if they ever legalized it here. Real estate will rise 20-30% in 1-2yrs on just that alone, add another 15% for inflation. It actually would wreck the local Economy here. 1bedroom apt would increase $200-$500 on avg.. 1350-1800

  3. you know the sheriff's department I've been buying it offices government all over their God damn tags okay their top or pig car tags okay can't call them cops anymore the fucking all over the news they've been all over the fucking news they mistreated me all my life I'm 53 year old I'm glad everybody woke up

  4. I've been buying my pot off Butler county like Pikeville Tennessee yeah off the game warden and Murray Kentucky is buying off the sheriff's department and in Monterey I was getting off another goddamn cop and fucking let's see everywhere I've ever been I've dealt with cops on pot

  5. So cars are legal to own an have, AS MANY AS U WANT! Only weed can be legal but u can only have a oz of it, lmao, it don't stop cops from comen in ur house an violating every right u have! FACTS! IT WILL NEVER BE LEGAL THE WAY U THINK!, there never gonna give up the right to arrest black an poor people! By any means necessary 💯 facts

  6. Hey guys so you know it's been a great success…. Going to Hagerstown Maryland to rise dispensary to buy my first legal purchase of cannabis was absolutely amazing… What a great experience I had.. 47 years old I've waited my entire adult life to legally buy cannabis… I have a lot of pain issues and I've been on a ton of medication… I've always hated the fact that when you buy cannabis on the black market you're actually supporting gangs and cartels… This experience I had buying cannabis was the safest and self-rewarding thing I've done in a long time… It was amazing and I believe it's everyone's choice whether they want you consume cannabis or not… And our constitutional liberty's intended us to have that right. So I have never and will never support a Prohibition of anything that can be considered medical treatment or anyone in this country because I'm in American… God bless America in this great country 🇺🇸

  7. I've been using cannabis since I was ten, and I never got paranoid not once, I'm 66 years old right now and cancer-free, and you people say anything to get your way, whether you're right or wrong, you ought to get your story straight.

  8. How can you tell how much weed I smoke before I operate a vehicle? It would lead to civil lawsuits against the cop if weed and alcohol are measured and tested the same way. Did I smoke a joint or smoke with a bong. Red eyes does not mean your high all the time. Smell of weed can be challenged because cops are not trained to smell weed. So that leaves us to fst. Which any pothead can pass any fst . Just remember weed makes you focus while caffeine and beer causes road rage and bad behavior. So I’m waiting to see why weed is compared to beer or alcohol and who is making all this laws without research . We pay a lot of tax from weed to be taken to jail for weed. That’s why we have homeless because everything is taxed high but if you grow it to help yourself you lose everything. This country rather support gay marriage and abortion than to support people that plant weed . Talk about home rights and being free is just an illusion in America. The richer you get the harder you get sent to prison. Example? Trump .

  9. Why are this people making this so dramatic and slow just compare to other countries that legalized completely, i see them doing just fine. Alcohol is the problem here just switch lol

  10. CANNABIS IS NOT MARIJUANA. Words mean things. Marijuana is a (racist) slang term, that renames cannabis after the Mexican tobacco plant to scared white voter from the early cannabis prohibition days. FOX you know this, but I guess the truth isn't as good at getting views as fear mongering or endorsing racism.


  12. I was just reading up on legal stated and DC caught my eye. Not mad y'all, but I think its kind of weird that it is still illegal federally, but housed smack dab in the middle of legality!

  13. While alcohol and cigarettes kill thousands of people every year you can't use cannabis as your scapegoat alcohol is the gateway drug it is the most commonly overused drug.

  14. Ask yourself a Question,How many people has been healed with Alcohol? More like Killed! Maryjuana has more Medical Benefits and Cures than any Phamacatical on the Planet!. Your body has to have cannabinoids to survive. Our bodies use them to regulate pain/digestion etc. Its a WEED FOLKS that can totally stop SUFFERING! OF THE HUMAN BEING AND PETS! Can not say the same for Alcohol which Kills Period!

  15. Sense they came out with this government sprinkle weed the weed on this street has been lower grade type ,like people are getting a pound for less then 600 but the weed is trash .

  16. The dispensary marijuana is not even 100% marijuana. They take your drivers license and if you get caught driving under the influence, they have probable cause to arrest you. The marijuana is not sticky. No Turpines. Highly addictive. Chemical. Trash in a fancy bottle. Don’t start. It’s not what you think it is. It’s a trap. I got addicted. It was hard to quit. But I quit. 30 days ago and I will never go back. For sure. It’s not recreational. It’s Orwellian. Don’t start and if you did… Quit immediately. It’s not what you think it is

  17. Blah blah blah… I use to smoke w33d as a teen daily, it helped focus more, helped me get off real drugs from doctors for my adhd and I had high energy, got straight As in school never failed a test, so who are these special people they studying 🤷🏾‍♂️😂

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