Ok HI!!! This is probably my most requested video about a PAIN UPDATE!!!!! And what I’m using on the daily. IM NOT …


  1. what- I might just be cursed with a really bad case of Trigeminal neuralgia but all these products don't work or make it worse all together. Also my CBD doesn't help much unless I'm high out my mind.
    Anyone else here like this?

  2. For the occipital lobe, use lacross balls instead of tennis balls, they are a lot firmer. I put mine on a yoga brick to raise it up, then I lie my head down on it and move it back and forth relaxing.

  3. thank you so much for sharing. talking to people who don't chronic pain often feels like I'm being gaslit into thinking "my pain isn't that bad" when I know it's absolutely awful. my TMJ pain is so bad i'm willing to try anything. Im going to try that dosist pen and acupuncture. Thank you so much!

  4. Thank you for your review, I bought the roller ball for my bruxism. I have jaw and temple pain. I get headaches too. I might buy some other products too 😂

  5. Kelsey, I first discovered you when you first started out trying marijuana for chronic pain. I was rear ended on a highway nine+ yrs ago while stopped for a wreck ahead that placed me at the bottom of a hill and got slammed from behind by someone flying blindly in a hurry. I was told I should’ve been killed. I became my own advocate to try weed in OK, no help my doctors. Weed was a Godsend for me. I’m trying everything you recommend with a green light as soon as I can afford it all. I recently bought an acupressure full mat to lay on for acupressure points, and I bought a red light therapy lamp to try for Christmas. Thank you for all your help, and you didn’t even know how much you helped me! Thank you SO much! God bless you for your advice. Love, Karen

  6. I saw Lily's video and ordered the two hand held massagers with the balls lol and can't wait for them to come in the mail ❤️ Thank you for sharing your suggestions and I'll let you know how the new stuff works. I also ordered a crap ton of other possibilities as well lol

  7. Using whole cloves (like from an Indian store) instead of clove essential oil is gonna level up the treatment game x100, I tried just store bought clove powder it does like nothing, essential oils, any kind they cause burning, the whole cloves are so so numbing if you use a few and chew them just a bit, no burning just numbing, I have severe tooth and jaw pain and nerve pain while waiting for a surgery to get my wisdom teeth out (istg the roots of my wisdom teeth are just stabbing my nerve, they’re long and curved and not at all where they’re supposed to be so the pain is just very severe) and my friend gave me whole cloves he got from an Indian store, idk what kind specifically he just said “an Indian store” i don’t think they’re the same as the whole cloves from my regular grocery store that are a little bit processed, they’re just unprocessed whole cloves, it was the first thing to relieve it, I tried everything and I was still in excruciating pain, ashwaghanda helped a little but nowhere near enough, oragel just hurt when it was the nerve pain (only helps gum pain I think) and I tried so many other things but these whole cloves are the only thing that really work, and they work so well, it feels like how your mouth feels after getting freezing so I highly highly recommend it

  8. Just got a weighted blanket for fibromyalgia symptoms. Also use Salonpas or tiger balm patches, long hot baths in Epsom salt and went vegan. These all help me . Oh and daily yoga. I also knit, crochet and read to keep stress down (when hands don't hurt)

  9. I could not recommend more Ketamine IV infusions. It's pretty intense but it has essentially cured me of depression and anxiety and helped with chronic pain more than anything I've tried besides prescribed hgh doeses of Gabapentin. If you can find a place that also adds magnesium and lidocaine to the infusion that is a definite plus! Life changing people!

  10. I have Trigeminal Neuralgia (also Severe Neuropathy) and for the TN I had laser knife surgery after all medications failed. When mine would strike it could drop me to the floor and when, finally, I could barely speak I decided to go for the surgical option. It did really work for me.

  11. Thanks for this tips, I love all your videos!
    I wander if you would be keen to chitchat about how I am racing money to do more research! I Believe it can be done with the Blockchain, Decentralised Finance. I would love to chat with you about my TN and how we are using smart contracts with cryptographic signatures for bigger fund’s to start more methods for restoring nerves health and reduce chronic pains for TN. I would love to talk about it on tweeter ✌🏽& Love. It would be awesome 🤩

  12. I take straight pomegranate juice (8oz/day) for inflammation and it helps so much! I have psoriasis/psoriatic arthritis, joint pain and stiffness, celiac (this even helps when I’ve been glutened, it won’t take everything away, but it’s more bearable), and POTS/fatigue. Wishing you all energy and pain free days!

  13. Mild suggestion for bad days: cbd tincture with a small amount of the clove oil. Takes the edge off the clove oil but less burning and still kinda helps

  14. My topical CBD and THC are the most amazing for my pain. I use Buddha Bliss CBD Balm.

    I have a massaging, weighted heating pad with three level of massage and heat. Also, my partner got us an adjustable bed and that also has bee a HUGE help for my lower back. I use the feet movement more than the head. The bed also has massage on the legs and head and you can change the setting six ways from Sunday!
    I do have a handheld massager as well! It's heavy for me but I do ask my partner to use it on me when I can't get to the spot! The Climbers cane had been on my list for forever!

    I use medicinal cannabis as well as CBD and I find using them together helps immensely, Especially when I'm trying to sleep with my chronic pain.
    I've just started on my severe facial and ear and jaw pain journey (along with migraine for 23 years and I'm only 29…), And I saw the video where you went with another person to help your TN to try to cure it. My aunt has TN and we're looking into whether or not that's something I could be suffering from.

    Very scary but I'm so glad you shared all of these! I am gonna look into that head heating pad. I have ice packs that Velcro on and a Koldtec Halo and that is AMAZING – but the ice can he a hassle.

    Stay strong and wishing everyone has less pain.


  15. For 29 1/2 yrs I've suffered from Trigeminal Neuralgia, TMJ, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, diabetes, among a few others. For me, nothing works. I'm also allergic to EVERYTHING. Yes, even CBD/ Mary Jane. I'm happy to hear you have a few remedies. 💖 My pain is 24/7/365. It is what it is. Saw you on Zach's pain video. I laughed when you talked about the comments. I've told doctors that if I was told to lick a frog and howl at the moon, I'd try it. Yup. Been there, tried it all. 💖

  16. Tiger Balm and Lidocaine help when I get a really bad crick in my neck. (I've had them last for months before 😵‍💫)

    Cupping reeeaaallyyy helped with my chronic back spasms. After weekly visits for cupping for 3 months I haven't had constant spasms for a couple years since!

    Orthotics and tensing have helped my tmj/tmd pretty good (at least, my jaw is not popping anymore)

    I have a hip discrepancy and that has just thrown everything off. Sometimes physical therapists can shift it back into place but that doesn't last long. I use a pilates ring and foam roller, as well as PT bands for my exercises, but it feels like nothing can keep it in place. Sometimes it hurts so bad I cant put weight on it until I pop it. I know it's not a leg length discrepancy. And I'm certainly not overweight.

    Any suggestions/comments/recommendations from other people with hip pain?

  17. Kelsey, I love the spikey mat for my chronic pain, but if I may recommend something, try the brand pranamat, they make them from coconut and linen and it's a whole lot better feeling than those foam ones!

  18. This is by far the best pain relieving gel that I have found: Absorbine Veterinary Liniment Gel (it is safe for humans). Also, using multiple acupuncture pillows against your back while sitting in a desk chair is highly recommended if you are experiencing back pain.

  19. Just stumbled across your video because tmjd & trigeminal neuralgia. Nasal Afrin spray, peppermint oil, icy hot, heating pad, ice packs, prescription medicines, monthly chiropractic visits, messages, physical therapy, braces, & currently considering dry needling.

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