Someone smart once said… it takes 20 years on western diet to develop civilisation diseases… and hence what we see here in eastern Europe… Russia is largely susceptible too… however I believe things are improving there… as for the past I believe the biggest role in cardiovascular diseases is driven by high popularity of bread and pastry (peasant/slave food).
Alcohol consumption in Russia has crashed since the 1990s. Also, Russians weren't eating a lot of meat in the 1990s and 2000s since it was too expensive. The average male lifespan fell to 58 years at one point in the 1990s. That was due to poor diet and high alcohol consumption. The key parameter I think is amount of physical activity relative to food consumption.
Thomas, I admire the research you provided on this topic, but there are so many confounding variables that entire books are needed to really give it its due. Maybe, this will spur others to do a decades or so deep dive into your question.
Maybe we replace Mediterranean by Eastern European 'diet'? Not with me, I combine the best from Swiss, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese cuisine. And I am partly vegetarian and disdain meat based cuisines, except for tribal people. If any Eastern has already heard about it? We don't need to have big muscles, but general strengths, especially high VO2max, and endurance. Leading longevity scientists like D. Sinclair, Harvard, and V. Longo refrain mostly from meat.
'They have lots of muscle' Sounds good – the superhumans? Usually, the difference in physiological parameters between populations is a few percent only. So not much visible, except at the upper extreme level, if demonstrated by official competition. I see a lot of Ukrainian refugees here. Amongst the men, there are some hutches which occur rarely amongst the western European. Some women are tall and blonde, but most are rather small. What both sexes show however in later stages is rather prominent obesity due to a different nutrition and exercise scheme. This in a country with the lowest BMI in the West. Exercise consists only of a bit of walking. No demanding cycling, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, swimming.
Russians eat massive amount of pork and pork fat, yes also beef, a lot of fish, and eggs. Some Russians eat pork for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also drink raw milk and consume raw dairy. Russians also like to pick berries and mushrooms in the woods and eat that, cooked or raw. The Russians who are into fitness, lean very Ketogenic naturally. But there are also plenty of Russians who eat lots of potatoes and bread and do get very fat. But I think you'll find that in any country, a lot of people don't care for their health as much as we'd like. But Russian men are traditionally very masculine, and protect their masculinity, so working out a lot, lifting weights a lot, and eating a Ketogenic type of diet. Although I don't know if traditionally they called it that, or if it had a specific name. Now I'm sure they would say they eat Ketogenic.
and also it matters how you grill the meat, if its an open flame high heat you are changing the DNA causing a carcinogen effect.
Someone smart once said… it takes 20 years on western diet to develop civilisation diseases… and hence what we see here in eastern Europe… Russia is largely susceptible too… however I believe things are improving there… as for the past I believe the biggest role in cardiovascular diseases is driven by high popularity of bread and pastry (peasant/slave food).
Look up The Experiment
Alcohol consumption in Russia has crashed since the 1990s. Also, Russians weren't eating a lot of meat in the 1990s and 2000s since it was too expensive. The average male lifespan fell to 58 years at one point in the 1990s. That was due to poor diet and high alcohol consumption. The key parameter I think is amount of physical activity relative to food consumption.
Bro your for got the Africans they dont even eat much stuff what we eat
Saw the Kamala Harris ad during the video – don't vote for her – her and the Democrats have destroyed this nation
Thomas, I admire the research you provided on this topic, but there are so many confounding variables that entire books are needed to really give it its due. Maybe, this will spur others to do a decades or so deep dive into your question.
You help me steer my health. Thanks.
Cmon Thomas! The ripped Eastern European Competitive Athletes that we see: anabolic steroids.
Maybe we replace Mediterranean by Eastern European 'diet'? Not with me, I combine the best from Swiss, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese cuisine. And I am partly vegetarian and disdain meat based cuisines, except for tribal people. If any Eastern has already heard about it? We don't need to have big muscles, but general strengths, especially high VO2max, and endurance. Leading longevity scientists like D. Sinclair, Harvard, and V. Longo refrain mostly from meat.
'They have lots of muscle' Sounds good – the superhumans? Usually, the difference in physiological parameters between populations is a few percent only. So not much visible, except at the upper extreme level, if demonstrated by official competition. I see a lot of Ukrainian refugees here. Amongst the men, there are some hutches which occur rarely amongst the western European. Some women are tall and blonde, but most are rather small. What both sexes show however in later stages is rather prominent obesity due to a different nutrition and exercise scheme. This in a country with the lowest BMI in the West. Exercise consists only of a bit of walking. No demanding cycling, mountaineering, cross-country skiing, swimming.
take a look at their consumption of alcohol and tobacco and you might get a clue to the non-diabetic CVD rates
its the gear bro
Thers also the alcohol issue there too i guess
Eastern Europeans and low body fat don't go together 😅
Their food is heavy processed carbs and deep fried I just came from there every guy has a massive belly
I lived with Russian, Ukrainians for years and Central Asians. And they ate low carb, lots of root vegetables, fish, really good diets!!
Russians eat massive amount of pork and pork fat, yes also beef, a lot of fish, and eggs. Some Russians eat pork for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also drink raw milk and consume raw dairy. Russians also like to pick berries and mushrooms in the woods and eat that, cooked or raw. The Russians who are into fitness, lean very Ketogenic naturally. But there are also plenty of Russians who eat lots of potatoes and bread and do get very fat. But I think you'll find that in any country, a lot of people don't care for their health as much as we'd like. But Russian men are traditionally very masculine, and protect their masculinity, so working out a lot, lifting weights a lot, and eating a Ketogenic type of diet. Although I don't know if traditionally they called it that, or if it had a specific name. Now I'm sure they would say they eat Ketogenic.
Maybe more muscular but that doesn’t mean longer or healthier life. Red meats not good in huge amounts that’s well known now.
They are not really jacked and I think one of the highest CVD rates in the world! But I guess everyone is jacked compared to the US.