The Science of Cannabis as a Treatment for Epilepsy (Documentary)

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  1. i just got back from hospital after I had kidney issues because of keppra and briviact. after i stopped my medication, my kreatin dropped to 2 within just 3 days. i was always worried about my skincondition, now its perfect. my epilepsy is uncurable because of tumor, but weed helps alot. I GUESS I CAN STOP ANY USELESS CHEMICAL PHARMACEUTICALS NOW!

  2. My wife was just diagnosed with epilepsy at 36 years old. Mostly tremors and vertigo as the problem, not full fledged seizes. But bad enough tremors and vertigo to have to quit her job. Today she was prescribed a barbiturate drug to treat it and my jaw nearly hit the floor. That’s about the most dangerous medical drug known to man!! Side effects a mile long and very very addictive with horrific withdrawal. Of course Cannibis isn’t a option because it’s illegal in Kentucky!! This nonsense has to stop and that’s coming from a Constitutional conservative like me. Don’t beat up conservative people to much because we largely support medical use of marijuana and believe the drug war is a utter failure. Don’t believe the establishment ruling class who march out political props who oppose legalization. Most of us regular folks fully support legalization!!! Thankfully President Trump has a open mind and has taken zero action against states who have legalized. He also fired the attorney general who was so against it.

  3. It's not surprising that cannabis is effective in treating bipolar mood disorder and other affective mood disorders as well, since the same drugs used to treat epilepsy happen to work for manic depression/bipolar.

  4. Interesting, it definitely needs to be researched and legalized so all patients have a chance to have their seizures reduced or eliminated. The current medications for epilepsy are so often full of negative side effects and we have to suffer a host of them to hopefully have improvement and there are some that no medication will work for them.

  5. I am glad that CBD/THC helps these children with these serious medical problems. Thank God for people who create CBD/TCH oil to provide relief for those families who have kids who need the relief!

  6. I have had epilepsy when I was a child tell now I live in lnvercargill but I am from Hamilton I wish l could live i normal life and I am on medicine for it if I could remember my first seizure l scared borthers and dad. but dad new what to do i still have seizures today and I have l doctor to go to well I have epilepsy

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