Epilepsy and Seizures in Children: From Diagnosis to Treatment

Richard Morse, MD, Pediatric Neurologist at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center provides an overview of epilepsy, including …


  1. epilepsy is because of too much sea salt and no body health.
    seizures because of the head are angry and they who get seizures are being alone and no pictures of human,animal,plant near
    them, that is to prevent to infected by seizures. picture for replacement the real one .
    soo you are not being seizure while the head are angry you are while near other soo you not hit by it.
    btw it only attack A,AB blood.
    O and B will be deaf ,blind ,and muted.
    if it what you are talking are schizophrenia it because of they swallow their tooth ,clean the poison of the tooth might will enough .they scared to dead and no one see and understand why they scared.it an image of black ghost that shown at when they fear dead when they feel cold water and wind and other thought that make them scared to dead.
    that ghost only able to defeat by asking him question nor command him.

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