3 Arguments Why Marijuana Should Stay Illegal Reviewed

We take a fair look at some of the best counter arguments for legalization and see how they hold up in review. OUR CHANNELS …


  1. So biased it’s scary, smoking cigarettes is “awesome” but weed is harmful. All the cigarette characters are normal and happy ! Now all the characters in here are grotesque and portrayed as lazy fat asses. Please keep your biases out of your SCIENCE videos. 👎

  2. so i guess legalise it, reduce the thc, make a healthy cbd full spiecies, control it carefully or at least just let scientists have a little to research it

  3. From personal cases I've observed, the danger with weed is that it doesn't negatively impact ones intelligence, but rather one's executive functions. In this way, the long-term user is always able to demonstrate that they are no less capable at a given task, reinforcing the idea that ongoing usage is fine. However, when viewing their time management, long term decision making and interpretation of context from the outside, there is a clear and dangerously negative impact on their lives.

  4. I caught white racist setting up spy speakers on cars and around houses even breaking and entering and putting it in side houses and slinging pebbles at cars and to make the illusion exist that someone was hearing voices and hearing sounds. So maybe it’s the more you smoke the more you are likely to be targeted by a white racist extremist group that pays each other to shadow smokers around and harass them making them think that their experience is psychosis yet it’s literally weaponized trauma.. they then get people on anti psychotic drugs which shortens life, and these racist have fuck at the new take-able missing time, then they use they’re young as a mind that’s forced, saying they’ve justified there existence impossibly when you hear them through the whatever method they set up to create the illusion, they have females that participate as well and they can be cruel, seductive and the most spiteful, you could even end up having sex (purposefully seduced) with someone who then has you harassed and you become to think you are psychotic, their network of organization is massive, so unbelievably large, that people won’t believe. They’ll even move houses next door or on your street to make sure their harassment can’t be lapsed. So long story short secret racist torture people secretly, stoners are likely in and of the group of people that are most likely to be targeted by these secret racist, being friends and help of minorities if not the minorities themselves . Psychosis appears in hospitals as victims cannot tell the difference. This type of thing has evenly been going on in the black community for literally decades

  5. Big fan of legalization. But sadly the way they did it in Germany, they didn’t really address any of these problems. Like come on, use the good arguments and then just totally ignore them while doing something just to be able to say that you did something…

  6. You want to make the world a better place attack coffee. While you're at it, why don't you do a study on coffee, you dam dirty apes! Most people don't even understand how hard coffee is on their body and mind, yet I don't see you snobbishly attacking coffee, I want to disprove you, people like you put innocent people in prison every day!

  7. I see a strong liberal bias in this matter. For example, in many countries around the world guns are very restricted and those restrictions work. However, one must also take into account the particular context. The laxity of the law, the absence of a quality police force and, above all, the issue of poverty and unemployment (which should be addressed by interventionist policies and not individual therapies) are important points in this whole matter.

    However, I think that other cases (such as junk food, which causes millions of deaths a year, in addition to the current global obesity crisis) go largely unnoticed by the law (as do tobacco and alcohol). Even the use of private transport should be restricted, replacing it with quality public transport to avoid accidents.

  8. I mean even if you make it illegal it's popularity won't stop. It will most likely increase. Like cocaine, it's been shown in movies, games and TV too much. Glorified a lot. Legalizing it is the best option. Look at Thailand, it worked for them. It can work for other places.

  9. i always ask one question when i vote . Will this new law make my neighborhood (or country) better or worse ) so when i voted to keep MJ illegal in California a few years ago i was correct . Most Police and Parents agree with me on that . I drink beer . Would things be better if people didnt drink . I think yes they would because my Muslim friends do better without it . I think i would vote to make alcohol harder to get .Drugs appeal to our unconscious mind too much for us to make them easy to obtain .

  10. Getting into an accident and prescribed pain meds leads to opiate addiction.

    Getting ritalin or Adderall as a child for add and adhd is what leads to stimulant addition in the future.

    The gateway theory was thrown out by the early 2000s.

    And having something like depression and bipolar means you are already suffering states of psycosis. And psych meds CAUSE these ailments to occur.

    Did you guys ever notice that mental health was never really an issue until after Hitler began performing clinical tests on humans in the 30/40s?

  11. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    None of this is true.

    Cannabis is stronger because legal restraints were lessened.

    Allowing us to grow it correctly.

    And CBD is in the male plant.
    That is hemp.
    The female plant is what you attain for a high.

    And THCa is what you look for.

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