What’s Happening to Your Body When Smoking Weed

The year eighteen eighty-one. When they discovered and examined the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses the Second, they found …


  1. so, people that never did nothing asure you that you need to get high to do something, maybe, just maybe all this is just justification for tripping, with zero regard for the potential consequences

  2. Hippy flipped a couple days ago and can confirm it was definitely a wonderful time but those kind of drugs you shouldn't do all the time because it will start to mess with your natural chemical balance.

  3. I certainly think it could have influenced it. Altered state of mind, different thoughts, new creations. A different breed of creativity that could have ended in tangible results.

  4. So, you are telling that my next door neighbor who smokes marijuana will evolve into the lizard king? You see this past Friday he was getting so high on marijuana that he stripped butt naked climbed up on the roof of his house started screaming that he was the lizard king and then jumped off the roof and had to be carried away in an ambulance. Marijuana did that, write that down. I'll stay with my cancer inducing tobacco 😉

  5. I spray my weed plants with nano gold, when i smoke it the intelligence increases insanly, hand eye coordination increases. I tested it playing fortnjte, its unreal. Im the onky human to do this right now i know of.

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