"Natures Nutrients" is the PUREST I have found!!!! & $68 for the standard 2 oz bottle and that includes shipping!! I have found CBD out there that is as pure but they are at or near double the cost!!!! I have done my homework folks!! Google Natures Nutrients!!!
What a joke, 1000 mg is equal to 1 ml of cbd oil in this whole bottle. The rest is most likely mct or coconut oil. Example . A cat that is 10 lbs of body weight needs about 3 – 5 ml of cbd isolate or extract for anxiety. So if you pay 50 dollars for a bottle of this stuff, you would need 5 bottles per day if giving 5 ml AND there is not a single piece of evidence anywhere that proves it does anything. Buyer beware.
Ever since I found Midnight CBD, my skin has been soft and supple! #midnightcbd
For me it’s hard to wake up with clear mind without CBD. I use it every night before I sleep .
I've tried CBD and it works amazing. Check out these products from Weedborn.
None. Cbd is straight bull. Coconut oil is better. And you know what your getting. Dont fall for this garbage anymore
I have available high Quality hashish weed CBD oil in UAE
Cbd oil is like drinking neer beer wussies
What's the point of cbd it doesn't get you high
Scam…….keep the bullshit
"Natures Nutrients" is the PUREST I have found!!!! & $68 for the standard 2 oz bottle and that includes shipping!! I have found CBD out there that is as pure but they are at or near double the cost!!!! I have done my homework folks!! Google Natures Nutrients!!!
What a joke, 1000 mg is equal to 1 ml of cbd oil in this whole bottle. The rest is most likely mct or coconut oil. Example . A cat that is 10 lbs of body weight needs about 3 – 5 ml of cbd isolate or extract for anxiety. So if you pay 50 dollars for a bottle of this stuff, you would need 5 bottles per day if giving 5 ml AND there is not a single piece of evidence anywhere that proves it does anything. Buyer beware.
Finally, this is great resource for those who considering CBD Oil use in their daily life! Thanks.
nice one, good explanation, Thanks
Thanks for the CBD Oil informative guide
I take the oil in capsules.
There is some controversy about whether natural flavors are safe. The packaging material should clearly explain what exactly is in the natural flavor.
Good explanation