1. Y can't you like certain videos? They be playing games I've tried to like this 5x and it's not accepting it! Nephew you should have way more likes and views your content has been heavy lately this means your doing the damn thing. Just know we are watching and liking u have way more then 17k lies

  2. 😢 this breaks my heart it just really doesn’t have to to be this way it really doesn’t I carry narcan on me just in case just because I never know if I need to save someone’s life no matter where I am at it’s ALWAYS worth it to save a life

  3. Bruhhhh they mixed fentanyl in the regular dope for a while to get people hooked and then took the dope away and put fentanyl in its place, this was done by design…

  4. Entertainers are professional distracters, they're not gods. There's only one God, and it's not Charlamagne.
    Young blacks worship money and thus they worship rich Entertainers, which is why rappers frequently count cash money in their photos. Poor Entertainers can be extremely talented but if they're poor they virtually have no influence.

  5. The history of Black Music is about love and commitment to building a strong soul & spiritual unity from within. As with " Earth, Wind & Fire's lyrics in " Thats The Way Of The World"! For decades we live in a world driven to make our hearts, mind & soul go cold"!,

  6. Red is right i used to be a professor in weedocolgy! Good ole pot. Then when u was in middle school chocolate right came n dro i wasn't with it. 20 bux for A philly or 2 slim ones in my day they didn't know there were male n female seeds. It was a gamble when u grew it then dro came out by growing it in water I don't know what happened but after I gave birth to my son in 2005 I went to smoke and I don't know what they did to the weed but it did not make me feel right it was fine when you had a pickle seeds and stems and be mad when you got a bag full of stale ass ones maybe my DNA was reprogrammed after I gave birth because that was my Golden Child my Virgo who's now almost 19 and just completed Air Force boot camp I don't know what that boy did to my body but I never thought I would be able to not smoke weed now when I smoke it I get these super intense deep deep deep thoughts I start thinking about death and dying and just all these really intense thoughts just go through my head and it never happened before now the government done took over put it in the farm dispensary and that s*** got n*** passing out now I've seen a few people take a couple puffs and the next thing you know they faint the weed is just not the same it don't do what it used to do I used to smoke a joint in the morning getting ready for work and it didn't make me sleepy it didn't give me the munchies it gave me energy and got me out the door I'm upset I can't smoke weed and pill did really hit on something how about these kids acting like crackheads over weed I'm telling you these kids that smoke that dispensary weed when they don't have it they act like straight up lunatics you would think they were crackheads on a chase and I really do think that it's deliberate the weed is super strong Denise kids actor full over it. I come from a family of weed smokers old school black people that smoke weed in front of the kids I don't come from drinkers or heavy drug users but weed and my family is normal the thing about the vape is you can't take a big ass pull like you're smoking a blunt or in hell it like a cigarette I used to gag on them the thing about the vape they took out the ones that the white kids were getting lung cancer from and these new ones have a lot less nicotin a standard 2500 puff vape is equivalent to smoke in five cigarettes so think about it that can last you at least 5 to 7 days and you've gotten about five cigarettes worth of nicotine as opposed to smoking a pack a day one day when this land returns to the original owners of the land I will be growing regular old pot that we used to smoke in 1994 that you had to pick stems and seeds out of and could get a nickel bag for five bucksand didn't have to worry about the government adding additives to turn kids into add pussies over some weed that's called cotton candy lollipop in cost $60 for 3 grams family young and old if you're messing with that smoke shop be careful smoke it standing up I'm telling you I've seen numerous people faint so clearly the weed is causing you to get lack of oxygen to your brain nephew rich keep doing the damn thing I Love your Way of topics from history to our culture to quantum physics tomorrow science to just straight up old topics that affect everybody I do wish y'all didn't just have shows and places like Atlanta and Chicago I'm hoping one day y'all make it to Boston the conscious community and anything that has to do with more science you would think Boston would be a part of it is not

  7. Accountability is the key. People must be responsible and take responsibility for all their actions. Looking outward to blame just don’t solve a “dad-gone” thing. Fess up to what you do and move forward to do better and be better. ❤

  8. The powers that be found another way to kill us off.. thats y they removed the censorship on mysic and passed laws to make it where everyone can have a gun.. them folks knew how that would affect the hood

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