Demystifying Testosterone in Women — You Are Not Broken Podcast @CarolineLabouchere

In this episode, Dr. Kelly Casperson and Caroline Labouchere discuss the topic of testosterone in women. They cover various …


  1. I am so grateful to my young doctor, here in Portugal, who is happy to prescribe HRT – including Testosterone – when I am 68. I use a compounding pharmacy for it. Didn’t help libido but, it is helping my confidence. But, here you need to see an Anti-aging Specialist. 😝

  2. Oh what a wonderful video! I can't wait to get back to feeling like my horny self again. I'm 40 years old and started about three weeks ago on estrogen gel, as well as testosterone gel and 2 weeks on 2 weeks off progesterone. I'm going low and slow on the dosage like you recommend. Still haven't noticed much return of throbbing in my clitoris throughput the day reminding me it's time for attention but I'm hoping after 2 to 3 months I see an increase. After three months do you reevaluate your patients to see if they might need a slight increase in gel amount? Part of my IDENTITY is having a high level of sexual desires and hate not CRAVING sex and orgasms.

  3. The s3x talk is essential. Post menopause is the time of our lives when most of us cis couples def don't have to worry about getting pregnant , don't have to be waking up to little kids and can be enjoying a second honeymoon with our partners (if we have one)

  4. I wonder if rubbing testosterone into one's scalp would help those with thinning hair? I've never shaved as I've never had much hair, but since having a hysterectomy, my mane has also taken leave of absence. I'm in Australia fighting my gp to get testosterone or even test for it.

  5. Really helpful video: thanks! I’m 59 and have been on transdermal oestradiol (with Mirena IUS) since I was 48. I’m a former athlete and used to have such good muscle mass. But I’ve lost muscle, despite strength training over recent years. I’d like to try a physiological dose of testosterone to regain muscle and maintain my bone mass. But to do so in the UK I have to argue that I want testosterone for low libido, which is untrue.

  6. I take testosterone too.. There is no higher Libido, but it works antidepressive, gives me more focus, good mood, beautiful skin, helps me against muscle loss. Testosterone ist very important for me, it changed my live in a positive way ❤️

  7. Ok I understand the labs thing, but to a degree there has to be a general understanding of where the average population of women feel at their peak. Because symptoms like fatigue and brain fog etc can have other causes. If a woman comes in complaining of fatigue but has a testosterone of 80 then maybe checking for other causes is warranted. I had a doc give me pellets and my T shot up to 215. My hair fell out (never recovered yet and I'm 9 months post pellet), my boobs shrank, and I was so angry all the time. I did pellets for 6 months and I have no idea what my ideal range is. Pellets are horrible for women cause they shoot your T high and fast and then they plummet. They sucked for my husband too. Maybe if I could have done creams which would keep the T more steady I could have found an ideal range. But my doc just did pellets – which I suspect was bc he was making bank off of the pellets.

  8. Dr. Kelly, you make everything sound like common sense 👏 I've been on vaginal estrogen for a couple of years, starting E&P as soon as my doc calls it in and want testosterone. And it's a YES for the SEX talk for me!!! Thanks ❤

  9. The numbers of estradiol vs testosterone are so confusing. If you convert testosterone to make it the same (units of measurement) as estrogen, you have to take testosterone x10 correct? Even if the testosterone looks "normal" it could be low in comparison to estrogen correct?

  10. Very interesting, we all should be so lucky to have a doctor like Kelly, but the sound was bad and kept cutting in and out and pretty choppy.
    I’m right there with you…..I have no desire/interest what so ever. Addyi is available in Canada but my understanding is that it is recommended for use in women before menopause. I’ve been told that testosterone for women is best from a compounded pharmacy.

  11. What about SHBG increase when starting androfem? Also mood swings. I do feel happier sometimes but then really anxious. Thankyou for your videos. I've been on androfem low dose .03 for 3 weeks

  12. I know we shouldn't focus on lab work but what if your total testosterone is within range but your free testosterone is extremely low. If you go on testosterone cream will that increase the total T or the free T that is extremely low?

  13. Regarding the notion of not testing for testosterone. It only makes sense to set the goal of a blood level showing free testosterone similar to the level present during a woman’s thirties. Partly because this is when we are functioning well- full of energy and clarity of thought, full of motivation, a zest for life, full of a desire to plan for the future and enjoying a healthy interest in the bedroom. But also partly because testosterone is critical for bone health, brain health and heart health. There is increasing data that suggests it may play a protective effect against autoimmune disorders, and dementia. Get on testosterone. It is just as critical as is estrogen and progesterone.

  14. 15 years without hormones and I am 2 inches shorter, haven’t had sex in 20 years, have osteopenia, incontinence, and weight loss. Plus I’m widowed now after 38 yrs of marriage. My generation definitely missed out on many good years due to the lack of good research on hormone therapy.

  15. Thank you 💛
    I wonder why hormone products are expensive to buy. Are they also expensive to produce, or is there a big mark-up? I'm in the UK and so we have NHS prescriptions, but interestingly the most affluent areas have the highest number of HRT prescriptions, so cost isn't the only factor. But if it were inexpensive, it would be easier for women to access privately if not getting anywhere with their GP.
    Good discussion, Dr Casperson is such a good force for women 🤩xx

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