Why more older adults are using marijuana

Whether they’re reuniting with a drug they used when they were younger or trying it for the first time, there is a growing trend of …


  1. it's not the drug it is the MIND behind it… why do some benefit from marijuana while others don't or are even afraid of it? … the difference is the mindset of the user… and this mindset issue is much bigger than drug users and it permeates all throughout society, it is even eluding psychology because of a for-profit big pharma… the problem is a polarized mind that has largely been steered by politics and religion and has engulfed societies… this polarization is the same as extremism or a one sided or selfish mindset that does not account for contrary ideas… so this limits the thinking, instead of allowing it to freely move between positive and negative ideas/concepts… so the polarized mind, whether on a drug or not, is locked in an ideology that prevents it from seeing other points of view or the other side of a problem or a solution, essentially "couch locked"… so with marijuana users this polarized mindset is EXPOSED because the drug basically amplifies reality… this is why things seem new or enhanced under the influence of marijuana because it is simply acts like a lens… musicians for example tend to benefit or enjoy marijuana more because in order to create harmony, to be musical, it requires a lack of polarization or a mind that can move back and forth, fast and slow, up and down, etc. to create the diversity of notes that allows contrary symmetry…

  2. LOL it's just that now that it's legal you know more people better doing it people been doing it just hiding it because you used to get in trouble it used to be in the state of Maine you'd get a $250 fine for a seed or a bag or a joint or a roach or a bowl or a bong everything was 250 misdemeanor it was like paying taxes LOL

  3. The real reason is infact that the DEA has stopped normal pain patients who cannot get medicinal pain pills. They government has linked Fentynal deaths with opioid pain medication deaths and this has skewed the real numbers. Shame on the FDA and this is truly causing elderly and disabled suicide.

  4. Dr.Danesh is proof that you can have a degree and still be bad at your job. "We don't want to replace an opioid epidemic with a marijuana epidemic." Yes, we absolutely do. Nobody in thier right mind honesty thinks that weed is comparable to freaking heroin. NO ONE has died from a marijuana overdose, EVER. Surely Today could've found someone more reputable.

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