AND this plant only needs to be kept at low LOW THC levels.. high CBD. IT IS VERY simple we are wasting time and energy while it can be used recreationally as this is done it is raising immunity to illness. and they never mention these things it is being regulated BECAUSE IT WILL HINDER THE MASSIVES DOLLARS THAT GO TO MEDICAL STUDIES THA KEEP REAL CURES FROM GETTING TO PUBLIS AND FINDING CURES SO THAT THEY CAN STOP THEM FROM GETTING TO PUBLIC
Stop prosecuting cannabis users!
the only reason there's any question on regulating is because big Pharma doesn't want those cures to get out. the hemp plant raises your immunity.
AND this plant only needs to be kept at low LOW THC levels.. high CBD. IT IS VERY simple we are wasting time and energy while it can be used recreationally as this is done it is raising immunity to illness. and they never mention these things it is being regulated BECAUSE IT WILL HINDER THE MASSIVES DOLLARS THAT GO TO MEDICAL STUDIES THA KEEP REAL CURES FROM GETTING TO PUBLIS AND FINDING CURES SO THAT THEY CAN STOP THEM FROM GETTING TO PUBLIC
Small growers will still prevail with the fine wine
Scott weiner is evil letting people with AIDS infect healthy people without consequences.
grow your own