Understanding Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS): Risks, Symptoms, Treatments and Research.

Understanding Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) | Bioactive Podcast with Dr. Riley Kirk, Dr. Codi Peterson, & Megan …


  1. Some of us just aren't meant to be daily users. Not all bodies are the same, this goes for all illnesses. It's why some cigarette smokers get lung diseases, breathing problems and cancer yet a few simply won't.

  2. I have been smoking it since 1973 started with Santa Marta gold and blonde Lebanese hash. That dab shit made me sweat and not in a good way I have warned these young people about smoking it all of the time.

  3. I’m not at all a doctor but just tossing this out there so feel free to completely ignore me.

    Since we smoke cannabis, it directly goes into our bloodstream and gets us high. What if CHS is basically like a blood poisoning due to increased levels of cannabinoids. Meaning you smoke so much that you have an over abundance of cannabinoids in your bloodstream and that is what possibly causes CHS.

    Again, I could be completely off, but it just came to mind while watching the video.

  4. Linking eating habits and use habits. Come on the link is obvious. Kids smoke at school or other environments and then not in others. Access verses time of use and then periods of non use. " I smoke before bed" "i wake up with stomach pain" duh no shit your body is metabolising at night and walking up needing fuel.. also cannabis user ignore hunger pains and are interpreting them as others kinds of pain. That's why ceasing cannabis use reset our brain and our body .

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