The Most Evil Priest You’ve Never Heard Of

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  1. I was an alter server as a kid (girl) and I had fun positive experiences. Our parish is strict in terms of scheduling each kid for different masses, attending quarterly practice, and it’s an overall good experience even to this day! Guess it just depends on the location and personnel.

  2. I think she may have knew something that was going on, and that’s why this happened. If she was assertive or whatever– I’m assuming she said something directly to him, and he got pissed. I’m speculating, but, that seems plausible.

  3. I'm from Toledo, OH, and my mom served this priest when he came to visit the hospital where she worked as a dietitian. Also, there had been talk of Satanic rituals in the basements of some of these churches, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was going on.

  4. Not just a power move. That’s old school. Celibacy assumes sex will lead to family and children. People should and will put their family first. Not having a family allows you to focus 100% on being “a man of the cloth”. lol No different than someone choosing not to have children because they want to focus on a career that would be difficult to manage with a family. Orthodox priests do marry but monks and nun do not.

  5. Would you be interested in collaborating? I'd love to build some content on your platform (I'm psychic etc, insert hippity dippity words here), and I've actually got some pretty dope ass stories

  6. I also went to catholic school. I'm now a pagan/witch so that's how that turned out lol but I had a lot of fun at my catholic high school and that surprises most people.

  7. Only difference between bad intake processes is the colour/style of uniform. There's a reason Epstein was Epsteined. Even Police "now". Bye thens are just as bad… Stop focussing on one segment of humanity. ⌛

  8. I am a widow i am 50 and celabite as i would never break any of my vows,He passed 10 years ago in march 2025 and i am quite happy with my daughter and granddaughter and my dad and our 15 horses.Who needs a man.

  9. You guys need to look up a satanic murder that happened in Ireland where a 7 e
    Year old boy was crucified in his neighbor's attic it was covered up for 30 years and the killer was freed after serving 6 years because his family was involved with Catholic church. There's a book about this case called the boy in the attic. The murderer s name is Lorcan bale and he himself is now strangly enough heavily involved with the church

  10. my husband is a non denominational minister. i think it would be great to have a pastor/minister on to ask those tough questions about the church to because it is a topic that needs to be talked about more.

  11. I Love and am Very Proud of my Catholic Heritage. My Oldest Uncle on my Dad's side was An Franciscan Priest, and also Noted Historian.
    Fr. Robinson was an Satanist… Very Scary, Disgusting and Unconscionable. I can only imagine the Fear that Sr Margaret must've been in.
    I don't understand how he flew under the proverbial radar for so long… Again, Truly Frightening.

  12. I'm catholic and it hurts me to know this ia happening in my church but Im not catholic because of a ghost priest or because they treat me right or wrong I'm catholic because I found God in the catholic teachings because if you left because of the wrong doing of a person then you didn't go to found God your eyes were on the people in the church and the catholic church will never desapear because it was founded by Jesus christ not a a regular person.. God bless..

  13. In some families in some neighborhoods and at some time. You either were a cop, a priest, or a criminal. Those were ur options. The first two very respectable.

  14. If THAT guy gets buried with full priestly honors, what does it take to lose those honors? He's a murderer. If not this guy, then who does deserve to be defrocked? This rotten behavior is condoned and so deeply entrenched with this institution there's no following the rhetoric. There's no belief left in me to follow a clique that lies to and for their very own.
    Great show, guys!

  15. I grew up in a methodist church and instead of "alter boys/girls" we were referred to as acolytes. You had to be between the ages of 9 and 14. Once you hit 15, you were offered a position with the choir or the daycare (they called it children ministry but it was essentially a daycare during service). Our duties were setting the alter, lighting the alter candles, setting and preparing the communion with the pastor, ringing the church bells, cleaning the entrance rugs and carpets after service, placing hymnals and bibles in the pews, we were allowed to help with lighting during services, and we sat infront of the choir during service if we weren't in the loft with the lights.

  16. It seems like everyone in a position of authority in the community or part of an organization that provides services to the public should HAVE to have their DNA and fingerprints entered into the system. I know teachers have to get finger printed in NY.

  17. You forget, Father Robinson said in his first interrogation that someone confessed to him they had murdered Sister Margaret. What if the other priest confessed to him, and gave him the murder weapon? What if the reason witnesses saw Father Robinson that morning was because the other priest called him to the chapel? Priests cannot reveal anything someone confesses – no matter what.

  18. I was raised eastern orthodox n we have alter boys. Its boys only as women technically arent allowed behind the alter..Eastern orthodoxy doesnt have all the issues with SA bc our priests are NOT celebate and MUST be married in order to become a full priest with a congregation as it is believed this is the most logical way for priests to be able to advise their congregations since they have personal experience with maintaining a marriage and a family

  19. I'm Greek Orthodox (Orthodox Church predates Roman Catholic) & our Priests are allowed to be married (to affirm the blessedness of marriage) as long as they get married BEFORE ordination.

    Because in the early Church some of the Lord's disciples were married.
    But they can only be married 1 time & also to a woman who has been married 1 time (so divorced women & widowed women are off).

    But only celibate or unmarried or widowed (who must abstain from sex in each case) priests can become Bishops.

    If a married priest's wife predeceases him, he is not allowed to remarry.
    Ordained priests can divorce but they can't remarry.

    Women cannot become priests.

    Why am I writing all this?
    You don't hear of endemic sex abuse scandals in the Orthodox Church compared to the Roman Catholic Church.

    Is it because priests can be married?

    I don't know.

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