1. Hello there! Thank you for all of this valuable information. It's what I've been looking for. My 12.5 year old chow mix (my baby) has had a bad bout of pancreatitus and has been on a prescription diet most of this year, recommended by her vet. Now, her breath is really bad, no matter how much I brush her teeth, she's on another drug for hypertension now, carprofin and gabapentin, and she has skin issues that have grown into infections here and there. Can this 30 day milk reset help? Which milk? Can I give her goat milk? Where does one find raw milk? I live in Texas.

  2. as a 90s kid, I love her DARE shirt lol. also…this drives me nuts – that this country has basically 0 regulation and 0 repercussions for essentially lying to buyers in the name of the almighty dollar. this is hard enough to navigate just to learn all this information and navigate the vets who may or may not be aligned with your nutrition/vax/chemical/pharma beliefs..and then you have to actually learn how companies selling pet food and supplements source, prepare, package and market products and be your own FDA, EPA, AAFCO, FTC, and advocate.

    it's infuriating.thank you for doing what you do.

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