How to make CBD Isolate at 99.6% pure | Turn Distillate into Isolate !! | Free SOP write up

Contact email: Number for consulting: 206-245-9999 It was a video I made around May 2020.


  1. Hi Jimmie, thanks for the video. You mention "washing the crystals" after they have formed one time with cold pentane. Can you say how much cold pentane and at what temp you need to wash the crystals? Also, do you have a preferred method for chilling the pentane, like in a another reactor with attached chiller or do you use a freezer? The first option seems better simply because a freezer isn't a safe place for hydrocarbons/solvents. Thanks!

  2. Wonderful explanation, thanks. To add, if you have only standard stir reactor, you may need to purge the pentane with vacuum before emptying the isolate and then Rotovap and or vacuum oven.

  3. I loved the vid a lot. I've been trying to look for YouTube video similar to yours that teaches the ideas in this vid! 👌 🧑‍⚕️Your lesson reminds me of the vids from this informative health enthusiast Doctor Ethan. Doctor's tips are really informative and I really learned a lot for my finals. He is a new health enthusiast!

    Go check his YT out and give the medical student a like! 👉 #DoctorEthanQandA

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