Minnesota lawmakers approve smoking medical cannabis for adults

Some big changes are ahead for people who use medical cannabis here in Minnesota. Both the House and Senate passed a bill …


  1. Jesus still heals and he tells us to repent and call out to him and you will be healed but instead people believe and have faith in men’s potions. GOD has given us Jesus so we can be healed and would never tell anyone to smoke anything because smoking damages the lungs that God has given to you and God has given you your body to be used as a temple where His kingdom can dwell but more people use their bodies as a temple where Satan dwells instead, so instead of temples for righteousness to do God’s work they are temples of sin to do Satan’s work. This man is actually promoting all sorts of drugs be it pharmaceutical or illegal and doesn’t even realize this is what he is doing to promote Satan’s agenda.

  2. These large companies in our state dont care about patients and neither do lawmakers! Theyve worked together to create a state controlled system that does absolutely nothing to work with its patients! Weve been swindled and ripped off by a system that lines the pockets of the already wealthy! Putting medical patients who are already in pain in an even worse off position! Not to mention the Minnesotans putting their freedoms at risk for affordable medicine! CORPORATE CANNABIS IS NOT THE SOLUTION!!!!

  3. I’ve been sending my cannabis dollars to Denver for about 5 years now. I don’t have to buy it behind a dumpster in an alley anymore. Minnesota Republicans are fools. Idiots. I would much rather keep my cannabis dollars in this state instead of sending thousands of dollars a year to Colorado. Think about how many good people are being forced to do this.

  4. Medical cannabis has been legal in MN for several years already. Smoking it introduces carbon monoxide into the lungs just like cigarettes – so, not a great idea. It's really expensive, medical insurance won't cover it, doctors need special licensing to prescribe it, and most doctors won't touch it with a 10 ft. pole.

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