This FREE Soil Ingredient Makes Your Cannabis Plants THRIVE

Home Grown Made Easy at Add this one ingredient to your soil. It helps your roots explode in …


  1. When I invented my Hydroponics, I injected micro air bubbles into my water rings that circled my plants, even when the water timer stopped, the air kept flowing into the Pot Pellets, now, I covered the Pot Pellets, let the plant grow through the plastic hole, Why? I did not want Humidity in my Grown room, from vaporization. How did my Plants grow? From Cuttings to Flower Room? 1.5 Months, with plants 5 ft. tall. One thing about Hydroponics. Your Plants are not as strong as soil plants are, you’ll need strings and poles to keep the plants up. On Soil, I poured a layer of Diatomaceous Earth on top of the Soil, and watered my plants from the Bottom on the Grow Pot, this stop all Bug Infestations in my Grow room! Best of luck with my advice….

  2. I grew some massive plants in clay by working it and adding compost to aeration the clay some dolomite and I was surprised how big they got this was hard clay when I started my plants got to 14 feet in shit clay

  3. I did a large outdoor plant and it had extreme good health and made absolutely huge buds. My soil is as horrible as you can possibly find in the Midwest, I don't think I've ever seen anything quite this bad.

    I dug a really huge hole deep and wide. I got rid of all that hard clay and used it for fill somewhere else. I replaced all of that with some bagged soil from Home Depot and a bunch of homemade compost. Added in a bunch of blood meal and bone meal.

    Several times a week I would go out there and I have this little handheld claw thing with four prongs on it. I would take that thing and poke a bunch of holes in the soil all around the plant to aerate it. I did one other plant in a 13 gallon pot that was made from a clone of the other plant that I put in the ground. I gave it pretty much the same treatment.

    I think next year I'm going to do the same thing except I'm going to add some Coco coir and maybe some perlite to it just to give a bit more aeration. But I'm not going to use a huge amount of those things because I don't think they provide any nutrients. I'm just going to add enough of them to give it a bit more aeration. I didn't think the compost seemed to have a big problem with compaction, but I'll know better when I dig up the roots on this thing.

    I think using a bunch of compost that has a big diversity of vegetation is really good for keeping a good pH. I make the compost from a bunch of weeds grass clippings and leaves, plus everything from my kitchen waste that is appropriate, including eggshells. I never tested pH in my life and I've never seen any signs at all of problems with my soil pH. I think the compost was the key to keeping things right. The bagged soil that I used was cheap stuff called Kellogg raised garden soil. I added blood and bone meal pretty regularly and occasionally some other stuff called Morbloom 0-10-10 occasionally. About three or four times I put in some miracle grow Bloom booster 15-30-15. But I didn't use a very large dose of that.

    I think the Kellogg soil by itself is not that great, but if you fortify it with other stuff it's fine. I think I used about 30% to 40% compost. I got close to 3 lb out of this plant. After I have finished drying and curing it I will know for sure how much, but it's looking pretty good. I got this stuff drying out in the basement and my house fucking stinks to high heaven everywhere. Now I need to get some jars.

  4. It works and that some… I am inside and autdore grower and I heve ewry year some big bushes! You have right do, I am amending them with Perlite and now they are even bigger and busier. But clay is wery good for Cannabis becose it has many Macro and Micro elements and I must heve to water them 3thimes a grow and dets it. Becose is so dens! With Perlite is great medium!!!

  5. You always mention coco and how you love it. what brand coco do you use?

    You've mentioned that different brand suck because the coco isn't washed thorough enough. I'd like to try growing in coco. I don't want to have to deal with saturated soil anymore.

    I dealt with saturated soil in my last 2 grows. It really takes a toll on the growth of the plants. I use Promix ho which is a really fluffy soil with lots of perlite. But for some reason, when I flushed my soil these last 2 grows, it just wouldn't dry. I had to dig up the plants and manually fluff the soil back up. And man, I don't want to have to be doing that all the time.

  6. I’m having some first time growers stress. My plants are growing pretty slow it’s been a couple of weeks and not much has changed. I really don’t want to give up but I’m definitely at the point of just saying F this. I tried looking for tips and nothing seems to be working out for me 😢

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