1. I will be discussing and forwarding this report to the wife of a cancer patient. I truly doubt that his physician is aware of your presented information pertaining to fen ben and ivermectin. Hopefully, JFK, Jr. will aggressively "wake up" the federal agencies after terminating many.

  2. Please what is a good dosage ? My dad just been diagnosed with pancreas tumor, he want to try but don't find any dosage recommandations, thanks from the bottom of my heart

  3. Here is the promised report about Fenbendazole treatment: 1) I am the middle man for a person close to me that I allowed to write in my account to protect her privacy to the max. She is very weak so from now on I will relay the conversations that may occur. 2) Here are some raw data:
    – The "patient" is a 84 year old woman who never was a smoker.
    – She had 9 of the unmentionable jabs in tha last years.
    – Two years ago she started very gradually lose weight and appetite (thus nothing alarming).
    – Last christmas she started coughing heavily, lost her voice and got noscious. Doctors stated that she had lungcancer in stage IV which compressed/destroyed the nerve to one vocal chord. Thus the irritation in the throat due to a lose vocal chord.
    – It took six weeks to get the lab results (maybe they dont prioritize the elderly). Now I don't remember the name of this special cancer but I will report it later.
    – Eventually she got three types of Cytostatics, two of them giving pain and astma so she was stuck with just one Cytostatic.
    – After three months she got metastasis in the spine.
    – The treatment made her lose all apetite and lose weight so now after 6 months the doctors give up. They fear that the spinal cancer will case pain in the future and that they will alleviate through radiation. She is currently sleeping 14 hours a day and takes no medication.
    – Radiation aparently weakens the teeth so she was ordered to prepare by making a dental check and treatment.
    – This is the situation where we decided to try Fenbendazole. Found it and ordered it easily online. Because she still has a sore mouth after the dentists she wants to wait another two weeks not to have too many worries at once.
    – In scandinavia Fenbendazole is sold under the name Axilur. There is a dog on the package that put her off at first. In USA I think it has the name Panacur. I put the link so you can read the manufacturers description. I will be back in two weeks to give the news: https://merckusa.cvpservice.com/product/basic/view/1047339

  4. My husb was dx with stg 4 prostate ca. Metted to pelvic lymph nodes. PSA 130. FENBEN brought PSA down to 20's in 4 months. No evidence of ca in pelvic area. 2 PSMA/PET SCANS, 2 yrs apart…july 2022 and june 2024 showed NO CA ANYWHERE IN HIS BODY. The urologist still feels it is encapsulated in his prostate. Hes now 74yo. No side effects. 444mg caps. Lithuania is where we order from

  5. if you have a leaflet make sure it is stored safely.
    As soon as big pharma gets wind of this they will adjust the leaflet and state that it is very dangerous.
    This is also the case with Ivermectin, where all the leaflets have been adjusted and very dangerous things are attributed to it, nowhere on the entire internet can you find older leaflets from before 2019.
    Doctors in my country are heavily fined if they prescribe ivermectin or HSC.
    See where the power lies.
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart

  6. Has anyone lung cancer stade 4 with metastasas in brain?
    What treatment have you done and how you feel after it?
    My father have a consult with oncologist on 6th december to decide about the meds of chemootherapy. He is not sure to choose chemio or not so i am looking for alternative treatment. Please i will appreciate your comments, thank you!

  7. My friend was given 3 to 6 months to live with stage 4 liver bile duct cancer. He had 20 hour surgery that was unsuccessful and was not offered any further treatment as it was too far gone. He took fenben, Apricot kernels and quite a few vits and minerals and 6 months later he was cancer free. The doctors never asked what he had done, if anything, they weren't interested. He lived for 3 years and died of something unrelated. It Definately works.

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