1. Descarb at 225 so that it never reaches past 250 do that for 40mins with a over thermometer on the inside of oven watching it to make doesn’t pass 250 then take the wax off the parchment paper that it was on in the oven and put that in a mason with the ammount a coconut oil your recipes call for coconut oil has much higher fat content then normal butter so it’s most effective after u got the wax and coconut oil in mason put on stove in a pot with boiling water for like 30 minutes and then that’s the real official method to get sum hitter .25g each Eddie will slap!(when heating water in the pot put mason jar while it’s heating up so u don’t shock the glass and it cracks

  2. From my research you still want to de carb concentrates. And use a double boiler. Frying it in butter kills the potency big time man. Look into making edibles tho it’s fun 🎉

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