Where Can You Use Medical Marijuana in Florida?? 🤔

For starters, Florida Senate bill 8A outlines specific situations and areas in which the use of mmj is PROHIBITED! These places …


  1. I live in Miami and the smell of marijuana is “everywhere”. Nobody gives a sh*t where they’re legally allowed to smoke weed. There are 5 to 10 marijuana dispensaries on every block. The entire city smells like Paul Bunyan cut the cheese 24/7, 365.

  2. Shoulda just said u CAN ONLY at home. Lol but hey I have a question. What are the thc vaping laws for mmj card holders in Florida. Are they the same as u just explained? Or I’m I allowed to use those in public? Or in any of the examples u listed.!???

  3. So you can smoke in yur car as long as yur not driving??? Yur cars a private location, almost considered the same as yur home in the oaw, thats why they need a warrant, or consent to search if they don't have probable cause like seeing something illegal out in the open.

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