How To Grow Cannabis Week 1-9 Full DWC Veg Run/Guide to Low Stress Training (LST) – Indoor Home Grow

Whats happening growmies! Its your boy Tev and welcome to Best Buds! You have tuned into a full DWC or Deep Water Culture …


  1. Is it difficult to pH the buckets once the plants are full size in flower? How about changing out the buckets when they ate large and have large root balls? Just wondering how you managed that. I’m currently running RDWC so I don’t have to worry about disturbing the root zone or getting into the root zone to change out water.

  2. Can almost guarantee he got root rot from those high res temps. Most likely why there was never a flower update video released. Gotta keep res temps under 72F.

  3. Looks cool um I've had soil for 4 years and when I watch the dwc time lapse videos I just don't feel like I'm seeing any difference in size, what gives is this all just a personal preference?

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