Spinal Cord Injury & Cannabis (Medical Marijuana, CBD Oil for Spinal Cord Treatment & Recovery)

In this video Oda discusses the connection between spinal cord injury and cannabis, medical marijuana and CBD oil as an …


  1. I am Fused from C2 to T3 on top of that I had three bone spurs growing into my spinal cord. I take five 10 mg Norco’s a day I often run out early because it takes about 8 a day. I’ve been on them for over 10 years now. Every month I fall short, I can never make them last the whole month, and I can’t smoke pot because I get drug tested every three months or so but I have smoked it and it did help me. I noticed that my spasms were much less. I would love to quit those Narcos, but it’s hard to let them go because they do help me they give me a life, but they’re more of a stigma than pot is anymore. I would love to only rely on pot, but I have to give it at least a week of doing nothing, but smoking instead of taking the pills. Plus, I’m not a big fan of getting high I don’t like it I don’t like the feeling but it does make the pain and the tremors much less. I honestly don’t feel high with the pills. I don’t know what the big deal is with this epidemic because I can honestly tell you that I don’t feel a high. My high is when I can go outside and split wood for the woodstove. Without them I can’t do that. I even run a chainsaw during the summer. Without them There is no way in hell I could do that. I’m stuck in my bed without those pills. But pot does get me out of the bed as well. I live in a state where it’s still illegal. I hope this makes sense to somebody

  2. 2001 I was in mva damaged c456and 7 had them fused. Smoking weed helps 100 times more than any pain medication and I currently on methadone which is very strong I'd does nothing compared to a cpl tokes of sum good bud

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