LIVE: Legal AF REACTS to MAJOR Updates Ahead of Trump Sentencing | Legal AF

Michael Popok and Karen Friedman Agnifilo are back with the Legal AF podcast. On tap? 1) A frustrated Trump asks the US …


  1. "Federal law 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) prohibits anyone with a felony conviction from possessing a firearm. The federal penalty for a felon possessing a firearm is up to 10 years in prison." Doesn't Trump possess the biggest gun? THE US MILITARY!

  2. You’ve got to appreciate the irony of a lawyer complaining about Trump being let off by a technicality (presidential immunity) that was delivered by popular opinion of voters when she’s hoping to get her client acquitted on a technicality (jury nullification) delivered by popular opinion against insurance companies.

  3. Well guess what people, the united states is an utter embaressment to the entire world. But there is this NEW PRESIDENCE, Any American may commit a host of crimes, then to get away with your criming you simply do the following. Run for president, while you are on trial, you may be given a gag order, but that is ok, ignore the gag order because judges have weap spines, they are scared of you. You win the election and viola, your criming is washed away, and who gives to shhats, if ou have a felony on record, your president job pays 540 thousand per year NOT TOO SHABBY EH? THEN GUESS WHAT, ONCE YOUR PRESIDENT JOB ENDS, YOU GET MORE MONEY EVERY MONTH AS A BENEFIT TO THE TUNE OF YOUR SALARY FOR LIFE, SO WHO CARES IF YOU HAVE A FELONY CONVICTION, YOU WONT NEED A JOB BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WILL SLING THEIR TAX DOLLARS YOU WILL GET WHEN YOUR PRESIDENCY IS OVER. YUP, FREE MONEY AFTER YOU LEAVE THE OFFICE… ALL FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AND A USELESS JUSTICE SYSTEM THAT GIVES YOU LUXURY. SO EVERYONE GO CRIMING THEN TAKE A CHANCE AT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT TO WIN AND WHEN YUOU WIN YOU WIN BIG, YOU GET AWAY WITH CRIMES AND YOU INHERIT A TON OF CASH PERKS. CRAZY EH?

  4. thank YOU both for calling the NC Scotus nonsense out. TRULY infuriating. If I was crazy enough I'd sit in front of this Griffin dude's house until he concedes…. The fact that corp media/legacy press hasn't even TOUCHED this is truly angering.

  5. Why is this lady going on about how he’s not above the law. And will be treated like any other felon then goes into say he was on a zoom call didn’t appear. Never happened before. Would have gone to prison. Didn’t show remorse. If this was anyone else they’d be in prison. He gets nothing.

  6. Well there is no justice in this country. Wonder how much he had to pay that judge off. If your rich your above the law. The DOJ should be disbanded And now he wants to send our sons and daughters to attack a peaceful country when he is a yellow coward that wouldn’t serve

  7. Wow. This chick is an example of justice is blind – blind to the inequalities of our judicial system. Blind to the FACT that Trump, a wealthy individual who has always gotten away w criminal behavior, gets away w it again. Blind to the glaring fact, the wealthy have one set of laws, and everyone else can be jailed and assumed guilty b4 a trial, if some DA says so. We aren't headed to be a 3rd world country. We ARE one, and this chick is a reason why. She's an example of the injustice in our system, to why it continues. Bending over backward bc she's trained to obey judges.

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