In this Q&A video I talk about watts vs PAR, mainlining cannabis plants, growing dense buds, and answer several other questions …


  1. People use "watt" as a way to talk about what light to use as the logic being, all things being good and equal, the more wattage the better the light. Its kinda a throwback from the good old days when everyone used HPS.

    Ofc you would have to get into the finer details of what exact lights etc etc nowadays, however if we are talking about keeping it simple for "newbies" id put it like this.
    You need to find a good quality light etc etc, however the wattage you would be looking for is atleast 400watt to get any decent worthwhile yeilds.
    Tho I would reccomend 600+, but 400 is when you can really start to get some real results.

  2. As a professional fruit tree grafter, there is NO genetic drift, that’s just bro science. The reason for grafting is to match root stock with soil type & scion stock. Strong root system = more vigorous growth to maximise the quality and yield of chosen scion.

  3. I literally do my main lining exactly the way you do by keeping the second branches and the third branches and everything else goes speeds up process so much this is the first time I've ever seen anybody else that does it the way I do it I guess great minds think alike

  4. dude i have a question i rly hope u see and answer. What is the reason people germinate seeds in tissue, then plant them in cups, then transfer later into final pots? Why cant i just put my fresh photoperiod seed into my 5 gallon pot soil and germinate it there so I can avoid transplant shock and stress to the young plant?

  5. I know it has been 3 yrs and possibly you are doing different when cutting clones BUT could you do me a favor for YOU?

    When cutting the clone stem in half would you please lay/press the stem down on a wood cutting surface. Holding from the terminal end(leaf end) insert the blade at the upper most point of the stem where the cut will end. While holding firmly at the terminal end, cut AWAY from your hand. Freaked me out watching you almost stab yourself. 🤣

    Anyhow, rant over. Love your videos and I hope this brings the right message instead of sounding like a troll.

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