1. Bro what gives you the right to tell a grown ass adult whether they can use marijuana especially when alcohol can kill you and cigarettes eventually do as well you can smoke as much as you want and wont die

  2. Just not going to happen, not anytime soon anyway unfortunately, alcohol lobby, TABC, way to much money for them to consider losing, now if they git a taste of that federal taxation windfall of cash they would sing a different tune boy howdy😂 yee haw

  3. Alcohol killed my dad a week agao from it dropping his sugar to much. It makes u violent. Do things and say things u never would on weed. This is bs. Make it legal save lifes. Wish he was just smoking. I had to become sober from alcohol, im still going thru with draws from 2 days ago. Wish me luck.

  4. Fuck no! legislation is what is needed! Texas wants it to be legal. I agree that it needs to be regulated but not fucking banned. Fuck this guy! We need someone better. Vote this bastardized man out of office. I smell fuckary with this man in this state. Remember Don’t Mess With Texas. Nuff said

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