FOCUS: How will medical marijuana impact gun ownership in Kentucky?

The use or possession of marijuana remains illegal under federal law, regardless of buying a gun in any state where recreational …


  1. They're trying to take our 2nd amendment any way they can. I've tried and tried to warn my friends about this but they think I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, I guess they'll figure it out.๐Ÿ˜…

  2. So as a disabled person, who would rather use a natural product versus the hand full of pills I take 3 times a day, I will deemed a criminal. Make it make sense.

  3. Roughly 48 million americans consume or have consumed cannabis. Which means 48 million americans are being deprived of their constitutional rights without due process. And the even more disturbing fact is that at no point in time have the courts addressed the cruel and unusual punishment of permanent disarmament for non-violent crimes, especially after Bruen.

  4. marijuana legalization has been the wedge to disconnect 2A from citizens. It may not be on the radar right now, but eventually, it will be used to destroy the 2nd amendment.
    Dispensaries, in order to operate, MUST collect information digitally from your ID when you go to purchase.

  5. Medical marijuana, like mental illness, is hard to discover. Medical and Mental records are protected by HIPPA laws. Both questions can be easily lied on, unless there is a judicial record of drug use of mental health problems. I think marijuana use should be treated like alcohol use. You shouldn't drive under the influence of either, nor should you carry a gun while intoxicated under the influence of either one.

  6. my alcoholic grandpa can't be trusted with a license or car, but they trust him with a hunting license and a Gun.

    Not mad at him I'm mad at the hypocrisy because my cannabis use which is legal according to NYS is the only thing stopping me from being able to fill out the 4473 without being a felon. 50 years of potential jail time if i want to lie and try to exercise my my rights, and my use isn't private either, its my job, my hobby, i post it on the internet, i tell my Doctor about it ffs, its unconstitutional and i feel stupid having to use a knife for self defense, hell i cant have a break action .22 for shooting pop bottles but my consistently drunken grandfather can have a slam firing Ithaca featherlight. make this make sense.

  7. I honestly feel much safer around someone armed who uses pot than someone drinking, taking psych meds or steroids. … I think most people would agree. It's unconstitutional as well.

  8. I know plenty of dudes that smoke weed and hunt. They've never been in trouble with the law. Just a A-hole politician trying to make another unconstitutional law.

  9. I have it from an inside source the cocaine and the White House was not Joe's or hunters the cocaine was not even Dr Jill's. The cocaine was Joe's German Shepherd Commander and when they took it away he bits 18 secret service agents because he was freaking jonesing

  10. Why would marijunana have any effect on gun ownership I can have a frig full beer a man made drug and have all the guns I want this is the dumbest thing ever hunter smoked crack wtf not even close to marijunana

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