5 Reasons NOT to throw away your Male Cannabis Plants!

5 reasons not to throw away your male cannabis plants! Okay, so when growing your own cannabis plants from seed, you’re …


  1. I’m a first time grower. I planted 3 seeds back in late May/ early June. The first plant got eaten at about 3 weeks old and it was maybe 2 inches tall. The other two however, are thriving. About a week or 2 ago, I was able to confidently determine that one plant is male and the other is female. This channel, along with others has been such a great resource for me and I hope others find it useful too. Thanks for helping me learn to grow!

  2. I've rarely been able to do it before, but I would highly recommend growing a male or two to maturity! Just to see what 'expressions' come through on the male side of your favorite gear. Some interesting traits are carried on that side. Especially helpful when doing a little pollen chuckin! ✌️💚❤️🎄🌲🌏☮️

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