Terpenes in Cannabis and Essential Oils | Mental Health Benefits

Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes is a Licensed Professional Counselor and Qualified Clinical Supervisor. She received her PhD in Mental …


  1. Need a larger window for the presenter (maybe 1/4 of time?)
    Maybe some tighter shots of presenter, she could wear different sweaters, tops…
    Some good information, pleasantly presented and hey….
    Those boobies are on point.

  2. This video has so much helpful information (as all your videos I've watched do) ❤ thank you for putting these videos on youtube for free! Someone in the chat asked about disassociation and marijuana, I'm curious about the connection as well 🤯

  3. Thank you for this very informative video. I am looking into alternative treatments for a few different health issues, one Fibromyalgia. I have had several people share the benefits of cannabis use for them. I do not like the smell nor will I smoke it. It is nice to see other options to ingest for optimal health benefits.

  4. Informative. Where can one look at the document(s) of this study? I clicked on the links to no avail. Would like to discuss the findings, my own, etc., when possible. Thx. ..

  5. I love your channel, but am disappointed to hear that promoting canna. Drugs are very bad, and your videos saying they are “ok” could be triggering and cause people to relapse. You should remove these especially since you are suppose to be an addiction counselor

  6. Nutrition Facts had this resent video "Why Does Forest Bathing Boost Natural Killer Cell Function?
    " That included some studies about essential oils, and why they have an effect on us.

  7. Why did my doctor tell me medical cannabis has no interactions with any medications? I do believe they do! I'm having a bad time seems all started with medical cannabis. I use Indica THC in pill form for sleep and my cholesterol is rising now they want me on a statin – NO! … and I read …coconut oil in there will raise it. I pointed that out at the dispensary. Also my ALT liver is going up. 
    I think we need more people like you who know more about cannabis when we are on meds and supplements.Thank you – great information!

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