1. After many failed experiments with some other brands, I finally found this brand. Weedborn products are the best and I don't think I would ever need to look for another CBD supplier. I highly recommend for practically any health problem.

  2. I liked this. I've been trying to research for a YouTube video similar to yours that teaches the ideas in this vid.Your tip actually is like the content from this informative Dr Ethan! Dr Ethan's demonstrations are really knowledgable and he helped me a lot on my school. He is a cool Dr in Nottingham!

    I recommend you watch his channel out and give Doctor Ethan a like! ➡️ #FutureDrEthan

  3. This vid is so full of knowledge! I've been trying to research for a vid like yours that explains the stuff in this YouTube vid. 👌 👨‍⚕️Your explanation totally reminds me of the videos from Dr. Ethan. Dr's tips are for sure informative and he actually helped me a lot on finals!

    I suggest you see his YT out and give the Doctor a like! ➡️ #DrEthanOnYouTube

  4. I been smoking cbd for the past two weeks. I was a heavy weed smoker but it doesn’t hit me the same. But being that I run 5 to 6 miles 3 to times a week I have aches n pains and cbd helps for sure. Helps me relax and sleep.

  5. THC also has great effects, especially on gut health. Combined together they are powerful. New research shows the THC can heal the pancreas. Most people that enjoy pot smoking are actually addicted to the CBD and not THC. For sleep, CBD must be done early in the morning. For smokers, try taking a double dose of liquid CBD and then smoke out. It’ll be the best feeling you’ve ever had.

  6. CBD changed my LIFE Guys after 10 years of smoking atleast 5 grams a day. I cannot tell you what it's done for me. I've tried to quit so many times and always been unsuccessful until I found out about CBD. If you're based within Europe, I strongly suggest to visit VAPEZEN9.COM. I've tried alot of cbd products but found theirs most effective and for 1000mg I haven't found anywhere as cheap in UK. Hope this helps someone. Best wishes everyone x

  7. HempureCBD does not have relevant lab tests posted on their website. All from 2018 and none cite the actual lot number of products. Their contract address is a UPS store. I also doubt this product is water soluble.

  8. Or u could just eat healthier and exercise. Lay off the cigs, caffiene, and alcohol? Theres no magic antidote for the poison we eat on a daily basis. Id have to say its overpriced snake oil. Nothing more, nothing less

  9. Nice video but misleading, it is extremely beneficial to combine THC and CBD while keeping THC in small concetrations so it does not have a psychoactive effect.

  10. Full plant extraction is the only way ! Loads of lieS. CBD without Thc or any of the other compounds of the plant is useless . Full plant extraction is the only way. DID WE NOT LEARN ANYTHING FROM REEFER MADNESS !! The only reason that these lies are going around is because big Pharma are in BIG trouble . How do they patent this plant if it is not separated ?????? Look at Dr Manuel Guzman, Dr Cristina Sanchez , Dr Raphael Mechoulam …WAKE UP PEOPLE YOU ARE BEING MISLED AGAIN !

  11. Sounds as if this interferes with serotonin even without the thc , I have serotonin syndrome… Will this cause the same affect even without the thc ? I can't use thc, makes me paranoid but looking for something I can use for anxiety.

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