Full Spectrum CBD vs CBD Isolate – What is Better? What to Choose?

What’s the difference between Full Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate. You need to know! A new episode of CBD Frequently Asked …


  1. unfortunately some people are intolerant to the t.h.c.. I tried the marijuana edibles as well as smoking it and I threw up.. for the 1st time in my life I went to a CBD store and bought few products not being educated that they still contain a small amount of t.h.c . after taking It not only did it make me feel high but I felt really sick. I finally ordered cbd isolate online and I will see if is any better. I just need it for anxiety

  2. I think you should make your videos more scientific, because right now it is just your opinion. You have not taken into account that everyone is unique, some people may have Histamine response to full spectrum, There is 1000 of studies which show cbd isolate to be great for anxiety, there is no research with cbd +thc.

  3. Off the topic somewhat, but does smoking or vaporizing CBD Hemp bud provide full spectrum. I’m thinking it does, correct me if wrong. Thanks for your video. ✌️😎

  4. The theory of full spectrum is great, but the effects are not! Full spectrum has many side effects isolate has virtually none. Also full spectrum can be full of impurities of all kinds and isolate is not.

  5. Would you know the best place to buy full spectrum e liquid in the uk? I buy mine online and I bought cbd isolate it works okay but I get severe pain in my joints doctors are still working out what it is. Would full spectrum be better than isolate for my pain?

  6. CBD isolate causes severe anxiety and paranoia in a significant number of people. Everyone is different so be careful and don't buy the hype. Just like stimulants calm people with ADHD. The E.C.System is very personal and complicated.

  7. I want to make my own cbd oil and I want to get the entourage effect so then I want to make full spectrum oil.
    My question Is,I saw online a guy showing how to make your own FULL SPECTRUM OIL and his Ingredients were 2 ounces of medicinal plant material heated for awhile then cold pressed oil poured on then heated on low temperature again then strained and then bottled.
    My question Is Is this full spectrum oil or will this be Isolate?Thanks

  8. Thank you. I'm starting full spectrum cbd tonight as I want all the benefits cbd can produce. Autoimmune, etc. I know you could fail a drug test even on such a tiny amount of thc. It's worth the risk for me for pain relief. I live in Colorado and weed is legal but many companies still drug test and workmans compensation drug test you instantly if you get hurt. Well, I hurt all the time working for this company so if I can relieve the pain I have from working there, it will balance out. =) Thanks again, I think you're correct.

  9. Thanks great video. Does the small amount of thc in the full spectrum oil procure any high effect ? I really don’t want that and I’m hesitating. Trying to get off benzos and I heard it’s best to go with full. Thanks !

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